Friday, August 28, 2009

The Wellness Check

So Alli and I went in today for her 15 month wellness check. Here are her stats:

Height: 29.5" (18th percentile)
Weight: 19.2 lbs (4th percentile!)
Head Circumference: 17.8" (25th percentile)

So we have a short, skinny, big-headed baby! hahaha just kidding.

We were really hoping for 20 lbs though so we could turn her carseat around. Oh well. Maybe by 18 months...

Alli did a great job being examined. When they needed to look into her ears, I picked her up and told her to lay her head on my shoulder, which she did, and stayed very, very still. Perfect! She did that on both sides and even laid still so Joelle could listen to her breathing. And when we were done with that, she lifted her head up and looked at Joelle and said "thank you". AWWWWW!!!! We both were caught up in her sweetness with that one!

On another note, today I decided to introduce Alli to her stuffed animal shelf. It's pretty high so she's never really noticed them. This morning she went after the black lab stuffed animal, which I thought was oh so cute since it looks just like Bagheera. At nap time she pointed to the shelf and I said "sure, you can pick out a friend to nap with." So she did. And I was a little surprised by this choice. A nice, soft lobster!?!?! Clearly she doesn't understand "lobster". :D She hugged it and cuddled it all the same and it just made me laugh.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Alli at 15 Months

I know I haven't posted in a while, it seemed like there was nothing to talk about. Life has been fun, but not changing as much as the weeks in Alli's first year. I suppose that's what happens. But today I was trying to figure out what to blog about and it dawned on me there are some things to mention.

Alli likes showers, baths, swimming...anything to do with water. Right now in the tub we let the water run slowly and she dunks her head under it! We're thinking that came from her times in the shower (we've been very lazy parents and this summer she got many more showers with Mommy than baths.)

If I had to mention a favorite shape, I would say circle. I think it's mostly because she spends all of her time playing with things that are circular - cups, bowls, drink shakers... And if you give her a shape sorter, she only sorts the circle. The other shapes seem to baffle her, although tonight was the first time I saw her put her shapes in correctly for one of her games. That one had circle, square, triangle, and star. I was quite proud of that feet.

Favorite color? Maybe purple? And I only say that because it's the only one she is trying to say. ;) That and we have some beads that she plays with and the ones she carries around the most are the purple ones.

Favorite veggie: peas. Without a doubt.
Favorite fruit: tough one, but I'm going to have to go with mandarin oranges.

Friday the family went to the zoo. Alli was super cute. Finally, she can see the animals. Before, she could only see things if they were moving. Now she can just look and see there is an animal. Everything was a doggie. :D We fed the giraffes and went to the petting zoo to pet the goats. Alli was very happy with the little goats. In fact she went up to most of them, gave them pats on the back, then laid her head on their back, and then kissed them. Kim and I were baffled - how come *we* don't get that much loving!?!?!?

This weekend has been rough in the napping department. Alli woke up from her nap both Saturday and Sunday screaming. It took us a little bit to realize what was happening since we couldn't calm her down. Teething. Molars... So we got the baby oragel and put it on her gums. While doing that, I felt a couple of points on both upper sides, so part of the upper teeth have broken through. I couldn't feel anything on the lower, so I'm sure we'll be in for more pain later.

Hopefully pictures soon. We took some for her "15 month" and are planning on going through them.