Sunday, September 28, 2008

Growing, Growing, Growing

We just went up another diaper size. Little baby girl is now in a size 2 diaper, although we are going to use up our last remaining size 1's. I can't believe how big she is. Another grouping of onesies that will be outgrown in a couple of weeks as well.

Her personality is just precious! She just giggles like crazy when you talk to her, especially mommy, who seems to speak "Alli". I can pretty much imitate any sound she makes, and that makes her giggle.

She also likes watching mommy and daddy do chores around the house. I had her in her room on the floor while I was folding her laundry today. I told her about all the different things I was pulling out of the laundry basket, and she thought that was just awesome!

I also found that she loves watching the trees blow in the wind. She watches intently for long periods of time (when we find trees to watch). Today it was a tree outside the window where I was feeding her. That wound up being more fun than eating, so eating took a back burner.

Krista loaned us a mirror to put in the car so we can see Alli's face while in the driver's seat. I've learned that you really need to looking only when stopped at a light. But now car trips contain much more cooing as Alli looks at the baby in the mirror and talks away. It's quite fun!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Notable Notes

Last weekend my mom came to visit. She and I spent some time working on Alli's room. We hung some wall-hangings that match the crib bumper, and also painted and hung a shelf with wooden letters "A L L I". It's soooo cute. Alli had fun with Grandma, and Kim and I got a little break for a few hours one afternoon, but were only able to use it to take care of some errands.

Last night we had the Rosing clan and Ann's nephew Chuck over for dinner. Katie is 4 months older than Alli and Alli just smiled like crazy at her. It was very cute. We are hoping they become good friends as the Rosings are planning on moving to Fountain Hills sometime, and Katie and Alli will be in the same grade going to school.

Alli is definitely talking a lot with lots of different sounds. I think one of our favorite things right now is diaper changing time. She's at just the right level for a great conversation, so she and I spend lots of time talking, singing, and laughing at the changing table. Her favorite song is "A B C's". Who would have ever thought that song would actually make someone giggle. But it does.

This morning was another funny Alli episode. She decided she wasn't very hungry, but was very interested in the ceiling fan. (It was turned on.) So she looked at it and laughed, then latched on and took a little milk, then turned and looked at the fan. Still there. Laughed at it and then turned back to me to get more milk. I think she did this about 6 times until she just couldn't help herself and just had to stare at the fan. What a cutie! It made me smile to watch her be so interested in the spinning fan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Right Hand Rule

I just wanted to put a post in to declare that Alli appears to be a right-handed girl. She's constantly grabbing and reaching with her right hand. That probably makes sense since Kim and I are both right-handed, but I think it's cool that it's obvious now. :)

On a side note, Kim uploaded the 4 month old pictures that we took of Alli onto Flickr, but here are a couple of cute ones in case you don't want to follow the link.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alli's Four Month Doctor Visit (continued)

Since people are so quick to read the updates, I decided to make a new entry for the stats from this visit.

Eyes: Still blue. They said they should have turned by now if they were going to change color, but my mom also said that mine changed late. For now, blue eyes.

Weight: 12.6 lbs - 35th percentile (she's catching up!)
Height: 23.5 inches - 30th percentile (here too!)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches - 15th percentile. (I guess she has a small head?)

Dr. Patel said developmentally she looks great - holding her head up by herself, tracking with the eyes, smiling at people who are talking to her, cooing, etc. Dr. Patel also said we could try a little rice cereal when we were ready. I'm planning on holding out just a little longer. I've read that families with food allergies are better to hold off on solids until after 6 months. Dr. Patel said that we could start rice cereal to get Alli used to swallowing instead of always sucking, but hold off on the other solids for a while. She said Alli obviously doesn't need any extra nutrition since the breast milk seems to be doing quite well. We'll think about it. Maybe next month we'll try a little rice cereal.

Alli's Four Month Doctor Visit

Friday, September 12, 2008

As Long As I Have My Toes...

For the last couple of weeks, Alli has really enjoyed holding on to her toes. It seems that's almost her new way of pacifying herself. Well, holding toes and shoving her fingers in her mouth.... She rarely takes a pacifier - spits it out like it was the most foul-tasting thing on the planet.

This morning was a first for me though - she had to hold on to her toes with one hand while feeding. Interesting. It was fun until the toes became more interesting than the food. She didn't really like it when I "took them away", but she had to eat... She was happy later though when she found them again. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Day at the Mall

Yesterday we went to the mall to get some clothes for Daddy. This was Alli's first real mall trip. We left a little later than expected, so our first stop wound up being at Sauce for some food for mom and dad. Next stop though was Nordstrom's Women's Lounge for food for Alli! After all of that, I figured Alli would be pretty content, and she was. She was really interested in all the different sights and sounds that the mall offered. As we continued shopping, she got more and more tired. But did she sleep? No way. Too many things to look at, even when we were stopped in one place for a while.

I feel like a broken record when I say she did awesome, but yet again, our pliable little daughter was pretty easy with the mall. When we got to the car, we loaded her into her carseat. She was asleep before I could finish buckling it!! Way to go Alli - don't miss a darn thing no matter how tired!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alli's First Pool Party

What's Labor Day weekend without a BBQ and a Pool Party? Just another long weekend I suppose. Well, we didn't want this Labor Day to be just another long weekend, so Kim and I decided we should host a get-together. Besides, Alli just *loves* parties. :)

We invited a few families over and wound up with 11 adults and 11 kids (not counting our family) that showed. Alli was wide-eyed until she was overcome by exhaustion. I'm not sure she knew what to make of all the commotion in the house, but she did awesome. She shared her toys like a champ and even watched intently while the kids and dads were in the pool and hot tub! Kim and I had lots of help with the food, entertainment, and kids so everyone had a good time.

It was just so fun to see everyone We're very glad that Alli likes entertaining as much as we do! :)