Thursday, February 25, 2016

Time to Catch Up

No pretty pictures, but thought I would catch up the blog quickly.

Alli is half way through 2nd grade now.  She has lost 6 teeth so far, and has 3 gaping holes making it difficult for her to bite!  It's quite funny to watch her eat a carrot.  :)  She is maturing so nicely and takes responsibility well.  She's great with Natalie (most of the time) and just adores Berkley.  She is still in ballet and gymnastics, and almost has her back handspring.  So close!  I think I'm more excited than she is about it.  We recently introduce her to skiing and she loved it, despite how much she fought us cause she didn't want to try it!  One down, one more to go, and then we can have some really cool family ski trip vacations!

Natalie is 3, has been wonderful at preschool, and is still our super cuddly girl.  Three has been a little difficult with Natalie.  Everything is "why", and most of the time she decides to ask by crying and saying "you have to ..."  We ignore and tell her until she asks nicely and stops crying, we will NOT.  We shall see when we leave this phase.  The sooner, the better - at least for Kim and I!

I am trying really hard to start a garden.  It's a slow venture as we have a lot of "infrastructure" to put in...  So far, I've plotted out where I want to put it, and then after digging around the area a little, found that there were 2 cement footings left over from when we punched our back fence out.  Those footings took me a couple of weekends to dig out.  Next up, need to work on irrigation.  That's going to take a couple of weekends as well, so maybe I'll post pictures and do a follow up post...