Monday, April 14, 2014

Pool Safety / Usability Project 2014

Being carved out of a hillside, our backyard has never been extremely kid-friendly.  And really, neither was the pool we added.  With Alli, we figured 2-on-1, or even 1-on-1 were good odds to keep her safe.  And based on the fact that she is still alive, I think we did okay.  But with two kids, we weren't liking our odds as well, and the pool seemed to get more and more dangerous with different aspects.  So, we embarked on a little pool project this year:  Re-flagstone the patio, re-work the steps to the patio and to the hot tub, and add a railing at the edge.  (We also fixed some pool issues and gave it a good scrubbing so we could really showcase the whole area.)  Here are some pictures of our project.

Steps Before:

Steps After:

Patio Deck Before:

Patio Deck After:

Hot Tub Steps Before:

Hot Tub Steps After:

Cliff Before:

Cliff After:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Natalie at 18 months

Ready for these stats?

Height:  33.25" (89th percentile)
Weight:  19.15 lbs (2nd percentile)

Ok, skinny minnie.  Thanks for not gaining any weight.  That actually bought us an additional weight check!!  

I don't know where this height is coming from, but I'm guessing this little cutie has my genes where you just eat and don't gain weight, which I'm not all that upset about, but still!!!  All these additional weight checks.  Ugh.  And every visit we have to go over what she eats, and what she drinks, and how we proportion it.  I SWEAR I am not starving my child!!  :)

Kim and I have decided, she's just going to be a super-smart model.  ;)