Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Family Blog

We started a family blog, although most people following this one are much more interested in Alli than the whole family. I am trying to keep this blog very Alli-centric as this is also going to become her baby book. I will continue to post items here that are for Alli, but I will also try to maintain a family blog. Some of the information may be duplicate, we'll see. But if you are interested in our family blog, please feel free to check it out:

More Steps

Alli is still progressing in the walking. We can now walk around almost the whole house only holding on to 1 hand. She still doesn't want us to let go, despite the fact that it looks like she could walk no problem. She's getting braver though - letting go of sofas to walk the couple of steps to mommy or daddy. We're probably moments away from her just zooming across the room likes she's been walking for years. :) But until then, mommy is very excited with every step that she takes by herself.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

1 Year Photos

Kim and I had some fun with Alli this weekend. Here's the fruits of our labors.

And one that was just too cute from last weekend with the icing incident.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Very Exciting Day

Alli has been cutting her next set of teeth for the last week or so. I've noticed the swelling and a little bit of white. They are the upper teeth next to the front teeth (I think they're called the incisors). Anyway, I keep watching them, waiting for them to make a grand entrance. But today while Daddy was tickling Alli, I noticed something else. Her lower incisors are also coming in (at least on one side). There was a white tooth already sticking through the gums. How I've missed it for the last week or so I have no idea, but she's cutting 4 teeth right now - she's gonna have a mouthful very soon!!!

Later today after Daddy's tickle session, Alli was standing/holding on to me while I sat on the floor. Then she let go and just stood there. She's been getting braver letting go of things, standing on her own for a second or two, but this was standing for quite a while. We were so impressed that we clapped and made her do it again. And again. And again until she got tired of that game.

So then we switched the game and got on the floor to make her walk between us. As Kim and I "passed" her back and forth, she started walking! Just a couple of steps, but it almost seemed like she was as excited as we were for the progress cause she just giggled like crazy when she was able to take a couple of steps without holding on to either of us. I expect she should be taking more steps on her own by next weekend.

But what an exciting day we had today!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Alli!

Today is Alli's first birthday. I can't believe it's been a whole year since we were in the hospital experiencing the miracle of the birth of a child.

Alli has grown to be an amazing little person. She is very vocal, repeating the sounds that she hears. She is very social, always willing to meet new people and partake in new experiences. She is very happy, always smiling and laughing, even when exhausted.

Her latest interesting quirk is dinner... She has decided that the only foods she wants to eat are the ones that she can pick up and feed to herself. She does a great job with trying new things - she even ate salmon the other night! But sometimes I have a hard time thinking of things to make for her. I hate resorting to peas every night - my menu might have to change so I can incorporate more veggies that she can feed herself. We'll see how that goes.

So this past week the temperatures have been around 100 degrees. Yikes! Kinda early to be having a week like that! So we've been in the pool and Alli is really having a great time in the water. She giggles like crazy watching Bagheera swim and she loves standing on the bench in the hot tub splashing the water. We bought her a float over the weekend and she loves to float and kick in that as well. We're looking forward to a summer with lots of adventures in the pool. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Yikes! Sugar!!

This past weekend Alli's Grandpa and Nana were visiting and so we had a little birthday celebration. We decided to do cupcakes as a dessert after dinner last night (Sunday). I didn't think it would be too bad, I mean, when we celebrated her birthday while down in Mexico, none of the cupcake ever came close to her mouth. But this time things were different. She's self-feeding now and so it DID go into her mouth. Alli took her icing covered fists and shoved them into her mouth, slowly, diligently, like she was really thinking about this new taste. It was fun to watch and Mommy was quite happy that she was such a neat eater. :)

About an hour later, it was bedtime. She was rubbing her eyes so I didn't think we would have much of a problem, despite the sugar. Uh - wrong Mom!!! She nursed on one side and almost fell asleep. We switched sides and slowly as she was nursing I noticed instead of falling more asleep, her eyes opened. Then she was up. Then she was *really* up and doing flips in my lap trying to lay down to do to sleep. Flip, sigh, flip, twist - yikes! I decided to take her out to the living room and maybe lay on the couch with me, thinking more room will help with her comfort. Nope. She was completely bouncing off of everything.

One thing that I've noticed about Alli when she plays is that it looks like she's really thinking - maybe thinking of what else she can do with the toy, or really observing it. Who knows. But she is thoughtful when she plays. This? This sugar-high baby? No such thing. She literally was bouncing. No thought. Almost out of control as her body was going much faster than her brain and she was flopping all over. This lasted for 2-1/2 hours.

Kim and I looked at each other in horror and said "NO MORE SUGAR - EVER!!!" We are sure it is evil as our daughter was clearly possessed.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Don't Want Baby Food!

The last two days have been interesting with Alli. Feeding her has been more of a struggle than fun. The other night she just cried when I put her in her high chair, and cried out more when I tried to give her some food. In the morning, same thing. Oh, but she would take a Cheerio happily if I put it in her mouth. So the realization hit - she not crying because she's not hungry, she's crying because she doesn't like the food anymore.

So last night I decided that it was time to have Alli eat our food with us. Unfortunately, Kim was coming home late and fish was on the menu (not a good leftover food for us). So I waited on our dinner for him to get home, but for Alli I cooked up some peas and put them a few at a time on her tray. Yep, happy as can be. Most got into her mouth. A lot were in the chair when I picked her up from eating. She only threw one over the edge, and that's when I figured she was done. It was fun once again to eat with her.

So now I have to re-think a bunch of menus and take a little more time preparing meals for the little darling. All great things!

Monday, May 4, 2009

More Challenges for Baby Alli

Alli is a very inquisitive little girl. She also seems to push herself (go Alli!) But who am I to say, I'm only her mother and in my eyes she's doing miracles!

But this weekend was fun to watch all the things that she somehow picked up. While in Tucson visiting friends, Alli decided to tackle the stairs. Now going up stairs is something that Alli has been doing for about 2 weeks now and so that was her entertainment. The thing that impressed me was the fact that she wasn't satisfied with just climbing the stairs - she did it 8 or 9 times! She went to the point where she could barely pull herself up to the stair. Hilarious! (You would think that would mean she would take a great nap, but no...)

Her latest favorite toy is a martini shaker. Yes, not exactly the thing you would think of getting your 1 year old. Of course we didn't!!! It was in a cabinet that she really wasn't supposed to go in, but now it's quite a puzzle and I don't want to take it from her because she really is figuring out how all the pieces go together. She was able to put the cap back on (which I was very proud of). She usually puts the cap in the tumbler and shakes it like a rattle. All sorts of fun things to do with all the different shaker pieces and we have multiple shakers, so even better!

On her exersaucer toy, there is a dolphin that you can pull and it makes another part spin in circles. (This is hard to explain in text.) The dolphin is a little hard to pull, and to make it more difficult, you actually move it side-to-side. Yesterday Alli was making it work like she knew how to do it all along. I was so impressed!

So Alli is just expanding her horizons all over the place and we are scared for the day that she walks, because we'll NEVER be able to keep up with her!!

What IS This On My Head!

Alli's hair is getting longer, or at least a few whisps of it are getting longer. It's long enough though that she has found it with her little hands. Periodically, she will sit there and run her hands through her hair, pulling on it on each side of her head. Unfortunately for us, most of these times of discovery are during a meal, so it's more like she's styling her hair with whatever food we are eating at that meal since her hands are typically coated in it. She gets done eating looking like Jack Nicholson. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancing Queen

Alli has started a new thing - dancing. It's so cute. It started the other night when she was playing with some ducks that are on one of her shelves in her bedroom. One of the duck-items is a music box that plays "Singing in the Rain". So I wound it up for her enjoyment. To my surprise, instead of trying to grab at it, she stood there next to the shelf and started to dance. (Ok, dancing for a 1-year old is sorta like a little bobbing and sometimes swaying.) But it was very cute. And to my surprise, she followed the beat very well. (I would love to take credit for that, but I'm not sure I can. I have danced with her ever since she was born!)

She's now dancing to lots of her toys that make music. It's quite cute and the whole family gets involved. I'm pretty sure singing is next on her list of accomplishments. No really! She's already trying to repeat the sounds she hears from us, and when I sing to her she usually babbles with me (or back to me).