Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's Been Going On

It's been a while since I blogged, so I figured I had better talk about some of the changes in Alli.

In the last month, more words/sentences have been coming out of her mouth. Baggy (or Geera) has turned into Bagheera. Phrases have turned into complete sentences - like "Bagheera, what are you doing under the table?" It's quite fun to watch her blossom!

Potty training is...well...still challenging. She still hasn't made the connection of when she has to go, so we still have to make her go sit on the potty periodically. And poopies have not been on the toilet at all - those she still goes and runs away and pushes while hiding in a corner. :)

She is learning lots of new songs at school, which is fun. And she has finally learned her colors. Yay! But it's now a big deal if I pull out a sippy cup and she doesn't want that particular color today... Ugh!

Alli is *very* independent. While it's frustrating to wait for her to finish something, it's also more time consuming if I don't. For instance, if I try to help pull her shirt off of her cause she's having problems getting it over her head, she winds up in a complete melt-down because *she* wanted to do it. So we have to put the shirt back on and start all over again. There are times where she walks an item back to where I got it from just so she can pick it up herself. Sometimes that's really funny, and other times, well, when you're in a hurry...

Her teacher (Miss Flo) says she often confuses Alli with a 3 year old because she is mature for her age and she hangs out with the 3 year old girls when they get the classes together. As soon as she figures out the potty-training, she'll be moving up to join them. :)

We also started her in a little gymnastics program at a place called "The Little Gym". She *loves* it. They have all sorts of gymnastics equipment which Alli gets to explore. She really likes the balance beam and hanging from the bars. :) We (the parents) are also learning how to spot the kids so that we can help them with flips, learn how to teach them the beginnings of hand stands, cart wheels, etc. It's a cool little place and Alli gets excited when I tell her we are going to the gym.

And speaking of work outs, mommy started running consistently again. So what happened? Alli wanted to start running. Last night she decided she wanted to go and we took off and wound up going probably 1/4 mile!! Nice work little girl!!! (She had to walk half way up one of the hills.)

Alli also had her first boat ride last weekend. She was soooo excited and did an excellent job swimming in the middle of the lake with her life jacket on. I was pretty amazed that she didn't get scared. She even jumped off the back of the boat holding my hand to get into the water. Big girl!!!