Sunday, June 29, 2008


You can tell Alli is changing by leaps and bounds, this is my 2nd post today!

Alli really enjoys looking out the window. Sometimes if I have to set her down, I make sure she's facing out the back sliders so that she can be mesmorized by the outside. The other morning after an early morning feeding, we were in here room changing her diaper. I took her to the shutters to open them and she just wanted to stare out the window. We checked it out for a while, but then I was sorta tired of holding her up so I turned to walk away. She turned her head to follow the sights out the window. I decided if she liked them that much that I shouldn't really be pulling her away from them. We wound up spending quite a bit of time in her room as there are lots of cool things on the walls for her to look at. Another thing that caught her eye that morning was the mobile above her crib. So I put her in the crib, wound the mobile, and let her watch it. As she watched the animals go around, she smiled at them. That mobile kept her entertained for a good bit of time. From there she turned her attention to the animals that are on the bumper pads. She smiled again at the animals. Awww!

Today, I thought I would try the animal thing again. I actually have two activity floor pieces, one with different items and one with different stuffed animals. I pulled out the animal one, and she LOVED IT! She was sooo happy trying to swat at the animals. I was amazed at what a difference it was between the two activities mats. Who knew!!! I then tried more. When I went to take my shower, I put her in her bouncy seat. Now, the bouncy seat comes with a play bar that has stuffed animals on it. I never attached it - it's much easier to get her in and out. Today I took it out of the closet and set it in the holes. She was thrilled with the animals (again) and started swinging at them. Her eyes were totally glued. I *loved* it.

It's really exciting to see her liking something so much. And if she's going to have a fixation, I'm happy that it's animals. I just don't know how to break it to her that we won't be able to get her a real giraffe or elephant for a pet. ;)

Random Thoughts that Came to Me While Feeding This Morning

I wanted to add a little to the last post about the feeding routine. A while ago, a friend of mine said that at about 6 weeks everything started to really click with the breastfeeding. Well, Alli is 6-1/2 weeks old now, and I have to say, my friend was right. One thing that has changed sometime in the last week, besides the long nights of sleep, is that Alli is all business now when it comes to feeding. Instead of latching on for 20 minutes, with mom having to tickle, pinch, whatever to keep her awake and sucking, she now latches on and goes about her business and then (typically) unlatches herself when she's done. Now feeding is only about 10 minutes per side. The extra time for mom is SOOO wonderful!

I also found that burping her is over-rated. I was trying really hard to be "a good mom" and burp her in between sides. Sometimes I would get a burp. Most of the time, I would get an awful lot of food, all over me, her, and whatever else might be in the general area. It was very frustrating, but I thought that this was just what had to happen. Then it dawned on me that we don't have this problem in the middle of the night, when mom is selfish and turns into a "bad mom" and doesn't take the time to burp her daughter. Typically in the middle of the night, she unlatches and then lays there mostly asleep. I quietly lift her up and take her to the cradle without changing her body position. We rarely get spitup. So I decided that maybe Alli just wasn't the burping type. Maybe it would be better just to not jostle her all over the place and let her kinda lay horizontal for 10 minutes after feedings to let everything settle. We seem to be losing less milk these days when doing it this way, so I'm gonna keep to this method until something changes.

Alli is really growing. She's coming up on 2 months of age and it looks like she'll be growing out of the newborn diapers by then. haha - 2 months to grow out of newborn diapers! She still doesn't fit in half of the newborn clothes that we got. Apparently, the sizing for newborn clothing is like that for women - they make the clothes bigger and then just label them a smaller size so that her ego isn't hurt and she can brag that she's in newborn clothes instead of 3 month old clothes. :) But that also brings me to my next dilemna. We got so many nice gifts, and I was not going to let that go unnoticed. I planned to have her wear everything she was given if even only once. So all gifts from the shower promptly had their tags taken off and thrown into the washer and put away in her drawers. Now I'm realizing that because of her peanut stature, she may not be able to wear some of the bigger clothes she received in the correct season. Not that I would want to return a gift, but I would think that anyone that was so thoughtful as to give us something would like to see *something* be worn by her, regardless of whether it was exactly what they got or whether we had to exchange it for something that fit and was seasonal. So, for all new moms, here is my advice:

Keep tags on most clothes until you are actually ready to wear them, and then wash them. Also, keep all the clothes with the receipts. I piled all the receipts together thinking I was doing good by keeping them. But now I can't match anything up, and I'm surely not going to take the time to try to match numbers. So tape the receipt to the clothes and wait. If you need to exchange them, everything is there for you.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Latest Feeding Trends

The one question we get asked often is how Alli is sleeping at night. I have to say, she's been a really great baby at night. It's like she knows that it's nighttime and nothing is going on, so even if she is awake, she's pretty quiet and eventually falls asleep on her own. The daytime is a different story as she wants to be part of the action - even if she's sleeping through it.

Lately, our nighttime routine has changed. She has started going longer and longer between feedings. Currently, we only have one middle-of-the-night feeding, instead of two. While that seems great, my body hasn't quite adjusted, so I'm still up a bit pumping to relieve myself. But her "trend" for feeding/sleeping is to eat anywhere from 7-9pm, then sleep til 1-3am, and then she usually gets up around 6am. She cluster feeds in the morning instead of the night before, so we usually feed at 6, and 8, and sometimes at 10, but once in a while she'll go to the 3 hours after the first two feedings.

I've read (most of) Babywise, and I can tell you - I didn't do anything to try to get her on a schedule. This baby came pre-programmed, and I'm quite happy about that. She's like Bagheera - he came basically potty trained at 8 weeks when we got him and that made things SOOO easy on us! Way to go, to both our kids!!! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jen's Post-Delivery Checkup and Alli "Status"

Yesterday Alli and I went to see Dr. Plimpton. He was very happy to see Alli, walked in the room and said "Oh, you brought me a baby!" and immediately took her to hold her. :) We also brought him a picture of the 3 of us after the delivery since he seems to collect them all throughout his office.

Everything is fine with me. I've lost all my baby-weight except for 5 lbs, but I still have a lot of non-firm stuff in the mid-section. :)

Ok. So that's the boring stuff. The fun stuff is more about Alli.

While I have no scale to weigh her, I think she's gained a bit of weight again. She's getting HEAVY!!! And her chubby cheeks and thighs are getting chubbier. :) She appears to like looking at the ceiling fans. I didn't think she could see that far, but maybe she notices the contrast since they are dark brown against an off-white ceiling. She also likes looking at the photos on the TV as they scroll by while music is playing. (This is an Apple TV feature.) She holds her head up really well now - I can pick her up without supporting her head - as long as I don't whip her up. I'm hoping to give her more tummy time to strengthen her neck even more.

We've noticed she really clings to mommy. Dr. Plimpton even said something because she got really fussy when he held her. Granted, she was hungry, but she wasn't fussing in my arms (probably cause she thought there was a chance of a boob whipping out). Kim noticed this on Sunday too. He was with her and I was out to dinner with the girls. He said she cried the whole time, even after he fed her. Not sure what's going on and I'm hoping this is just a phase, but I'll try to let her try to sooth herself more during the day... starting next week. :)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

An Adventurous Day

Yesterday was full of adventure for Alli and I. It started with a trip down to Tempe to meet friends for breakfast. Now I know this doesn't sound very adventurous but we were gone for a while... So or first adventure was the diaper change in the restroom. Not too adventurous - was the first time using one of those baby changing shelves, and I must say, it was...weird. Probably because this one was positioned for a 7 foot tall woman. Seriously! It only folded down to my shoulders so I was basically looking Alli eye to eye!! We also had to feed Alli, so this was our first attempt at feeding in public. I must say, I think we did pretty well! I had purchased a nursing cover thing from Target and we nursed while cloaked under our black wrap. Success!

Our next adventure was actually the drive home. While I really thought we had taken care of everything, Alli decided half way home that she was still hungry. This time, we were not near Joe's, so I had to improvise. I found a parking lot that was not busy, parked the car, climbed in the back seat and Alli nursed again. Not an adventure? Let me mention tht it was 111 degrees outside at the time. Yes, I left the car running and the air blasting. :)

When Kim got home from work, we completed our adventurous day by going to our pool and swimming Baggy a little and dipping Alli in the water a bit. We only dipped her feet for this first time, but we'll get more of her in as she gets older.

So quite a day for us!! And to think I used to think adventure was backpacking in Havasupai, or trecking to Rocky Point to do a triathlon, or... :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My New Diaper Record

As most mom's know, sometimes when you change a diaper, you go through more than one diaper. I now have a new record for one diaper change - 5!!! And of course, this lovely event took place at 3:30am. (And somehow at that time, I thought it was 6 diapers, but maybe I can't recall all the events properly.) But wait - not only did I get to go through 5 diapers in one change, but also 2 cloth diapers, 1 changing pad cover, and a onesie. (We use the cloth diapers on top of the changing pad cover so that we don't have to have very many covers around - the cloth diaper usually gets soiled and is easier to clean.)

Ok, here's how it went... Got Alli up for a feeding and went to change her diaper. No problem. Got the new diaper (diaper 1) and changed her wet diaper. Right at the time I was going to pick her up, I heard her poop. Well, better change that diaper. So I went to change the poopy diaper, hence diaper #2. But while I was changing the diaper, she pooped again. I'm pretty good at this - I caught most of it with a wipe, so we only got diaper #2 and a little of the cloth diaper soiled. Piece of cake. Once she finished, I got out another clean diaper (3) and replaced the cloth diaper. Changed and ready to go, I heard her poop AGAIN! I looked down at her and exclaimed "You've got to be kidding me!" So I went to change *that* poopy diaper with diaper #4. While I had her feet in my hands to move her bottom, she started peeing. Yikes! Those aren't so easy to catch with the wipe, but I always try - if anything to save the onesie. So my hand with wipe went to the belly and would you believe, she pooped again! This time, it was everywhere because I was caught off guard by the pee. The poop soiled diaper #4, the new cloth diaper, the changing pad cover and the pee got the onesie. Oh, what a mess!!! This is when I yelled "GOD DAMMIT!" So out came diaper #5, my new record, and a new onesie for her. Then my nice clean, dry, poop-free baby was set lovingly on the floor so I could take care of the poopy, wet mess I had before me in preparation for the next early morning feeding. I think I'll submit this entry to Guinness Book of World Records. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Every Day is Different

The days with Alli are getting easier. We aren't on a schedule, but I can predict her cycles a little better, which is helping me deal with my daily happenings. And, we've had some successful outtings which makes me feel somewhat like a "normal" person again.

Lately I've noticed that Alli is finding her voice. Instead of crying being her only sound, sometimes when she is awake and happy she makes a sound that almost sounds like she is saying "hi". I view this as finding her voice, which will be a wonderful addition to the traditional sounds (of crying) that we hear.

I find there are several different sides to Alli. Some days, she fights sleep and is not happy unless she is being held. Once she falls asleep, if I put her down anywhere, she wakes up within 15 minutes and is pissed off cranky!! Luckily I have a Moby Wrap ( so that I can have her tucked close to me while still having my hands free to do things around the house. She stays wrapped like that between feedings when she is that fussy. But then other days we have an Alli that wakes up happy, feeds, stays awake and plays, and then gets tired and takes a pacifier in the bouncy seat and falls asleep with minimal interaction from mom. I *love* those days!

I'm assuming that she will ween away from needing to be held so much. I keep thinking that sleep for her is more important than whether I am spoiling her by holding her so much. It's a fine line I suppose, and you never know if you are doing something that will have adverse affects later on, but for now, I feel the amount of time I give her to crying and fussing before picking her up is appropriate for her age, and sleep is a more important goal. But hey, every day is different...

Friday, June 13, 2008

One Month Old Today

Today is Alli's one month birthday, and was also her one-month doctor's appointment. So, current stats on the little rascal:

Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz (Holy cow - a whole pound since last visit 2 weeks ago!)
Length: 20 inches (2 whole inches longer than when she was born!)

Other notes:

Alli is getting much better at supporting her own head. Pretty strong little girl! She doesn't do as well when she's tired, but she's doing great when she's wide awake.

I see hints of purposeful smiles, which is really cool. I'm looking forward to her looking at us and smiling because she's happy.

Kim and I are definitely getting to know her better. We also know that she's a gassy little girl (probably cause mommy still eats lots of gas-producing food). She's tough though, and typically doesn't cry about it. But mix the gas with being tired and LOOK OUT! Fussy!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An Adventure in Breastfeeding

Today Alli and I met Daddy, Jef (co-worker), Krista (Jef's wife and soon to be caretaker of Alli), and Tyler (Jef & Krista's son) down in Old Town Scottsdale for lunch at El Molino (my favorite lunch-time Mexican place). We had a great lunch with everyone and it was so nice to eat El Molino food again.

I should have been able to make it home before her next feeding time, but Alli woke up early and was crying bloody murder. I pulled over to give her the pacifier, but that didn't do it. I continued driving, but I decided quickly that I just couldn't drive the 20+ minutes home with her that miserable. So I was trying to figure out where to go to feed her. Then I remembered back in the day, when partying in Scottsdale and not being able to drive home, I would go to Joe Searle's house. So I drove to Joe's, hoping he still kept the spare key hidden in the same spot.

We are older now, and I wasn't sure if edicate had changed when entering someone's house when they are not home. Should I call them at work? Should I just leave them a note?? Maybe I'll just borrow the back yard and sit in the shade. I decided I would try that first, but quickly dismissed that when I realized it was about 100 degrees in the shade. I was going to have to go inside. I was staring in the house when I saw someone inside walking toward the patio door. What the ????? OH YEA! I forgot - their nephew Chuck (aka the manny) watches Ryan and Katie at their house!!! Chuck remembered me from his visit over spring break and graciously let me in. We chatted a little, then I went into the office to nurse.

For the first time, Alli and I were there to fend together - no glider, no boppy, no watch or time-piece, no journal to record the timings. Just us. We sat on the floor and did everything naturally. I have to say, it was the most amazing, exhilarating, precious experience I had had with her. It was so refreshing to really experience being able to feed my daughter anywhere, anytime - totally unprepared and unplanned, and I could take care of her. I loved it.

After nursing, Alli went to sleep so I stayed and chatted with Chuck and played a little with Katie and Ryan. We took a picture of the 3 kids together. Katie is 4 months, Ryan is 3 months, and and Alli is almost 1 month.

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Photos on Flickr

I added a few more photos tonight to Alli's Flickr gallery. Check them out.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin', Get Them Doggies Rollin'

I know this seems weird, and I didn't believe my mom when she told me, but Alli rolled over today. Yes, a little early I would say, seeing that she's just 3+ weeks. Now mind you, it was on the sofa cushion and she had a little gravity helping her as the sofa cushion is a little slanted, but she did it. Like 2 or 3 times every time we put her back up. We put her down, watched her tuck her arm and squirm her legs over, and there she went. So, I guess we'll be always surrounding her with pillows if we set her down someplace and walk away (we were anyway, but this just solidifies that we need to).

And just to note, she did it again, only rolling the other direction. We just had to give her the correct "gravity" advantage. :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Alli's First Lunch Out

We took Alli to The Cove Trattoria today. The Cove is the place we had
cater our AZ wedding reception. Jenny was so happy to eat out. I think this
means a trip to El Molino is in store next week.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Let Down

So, of all the nursing information I've read, they all talk about the milk "let down". In the beginning, I was positive I had no idea when this occurred. The information always said that mothers know when it happens, and I thought maybe I was a little defective. Well, I know now when it happens. Unfortunately, what I'm finding is IT HURTS!!! OMG - burning sensation. WTF??? And my body seems to know better than Alli when 3 hours is up, cause now I get "let down" about every 3 hours and so I wake up from a sound sleep, or pace around the house waiting and waiting for her to wake up to help her poor mother out. Sometimes I wonder how in the world we really evolved as a race with these kind of reproductive pains.

But in general, everything is going well. Alli and I are both a little under the weather, so it's not helping. She's sleeping well when we can get her to fall asleep. She really wants to be held, probably because she doesn't feel well. If she feels like me, her head is all stuffed up, but can breath just fine. So I'm dying for a long sleep thinking that will make me feel better, but it's just not going to happen. Even if someone gave her a bottle to let me sleep, I wake up with the darn "let down"!!!!