Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baggy Loves Alli

After putting Alli to bed and finishing chores, Jenny and I couldn't find Bagheera. On a wild guess, we went into Alli's room and found him laying on her bed. It's ridiculously cute to think that Baggy missed Alli while we were in Texas for Thanksgiving.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bye Bye Underwear

After 3 months of potty training, lots of disgusting laundry, I convinced Alli's teacher to just put her back into her diapers until Alli decided she was ready to try to be a big girl. The last straw (for me) was when she peed 3 times in 30 minutes at preschool and sat in it without any care. Ugh. She just doesn't want to do it, and I'm tired of fighting it.

On other notes though, she is excelling. Everything is by color: "Mommy, what is that?" "No, it's 'blue'!" :D

We found out that she likes some of Britney Spears' songs. It's really cute to see her shake her bootie, which she is doing quite a bit these days.

She understands so much about everything, and she wants to do everything that mommy does. She helps me cook meals, do laundry, etc. She also wants to wear similar clothes - if I have a jacket on, she needs a jacket. If I take my socks off, she takes her socks off. It's really cute.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year, Alli started understanding Halloween a little better. She dressed up in her little kitty cat costume and I tried to explain trick-or-treating to her. We had our candy bowl, and I told her to say "trick-or-treat" and then I gave her some candy. All was looking promising.

We went to the first house and we knocked on the door. I told her when the person answered she should yell "trick-or-treat". She did - without any prompting. We were quite impressed. Then she handed the lady the candy from her own bag. We laughed. It's nice that she was ready to give!! :) The 3 of us helped her with the candy and then we went walking to the next house.

This house however had lots of people sitting outside, and Kim and I knew the parents. With all the commotion, Alli got shy. So up in my arms she went and wouldn't say a word. Unfortunately, she never got over it. So we hit 4-5 houses total and then just went back home. She was much more talkative there - hanging out with us and the neighbors out front with a fire in the pit beside the driveway.