Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ovejita! Where *is* that Little Lamb?!

Alli has a lamb blanket that she has cuddled since she was quite small. Kim and I used to call it "lamby", cause really, what do you name a lamb blanket? Well, Sesame Street came up with a better name.... They have a segment on the show now called "Murray has a Little Lamb". It's cute. Murray is an orange monster and Ovejita is a lamb that speaks spanish. Anyway, according to Sesame Street, Ovejita is "little lamb" in spanish (pronounced o-vay-heeta) Anyway, we started calling Alli's lamb blanket "Ovejita" and lately she's been asking for the lamb, wandering around the house saying "jita, jita".

Last night, she had Ovejita and walked into her room, threw Ovejita into the crib, climbed up the crib and managed to plop herself into it, laid on top of Ovejita and said "night, night". Apparently tired, I decided it must be time for bed - at 6:45pm. Might as well. She was asking for it!! And luckily Ovejita doesn't really care what time she goes to bed. :D

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yesterday Alli was more inquisitive than ever about Mommy going to the potty. So I talked to her while she watched and then let her flush the toilet. I lost her in the house about 10 minutes later. Where did I find her? In another bathroom. Or rather, inside the toilet of another bathroom. I think she thought she could climb up and sit on the toilet like a big girl, but she wasn't expecting all that water! I laughed and cringed all at the same time while I grabbed her out of the toilet and started stripping the wet clothes off of her.

Today she was still inquisitive, so I asked her if she wanted to go potty. I finished and then stripped her down and set her on the toilet. She definitely knew what to do - she was pushing trying to get anything to come out, but she didn't really have to go. We've done that twice today and she's so proud when she does it (although still nothing has come out). But she'll see me go potty and then she keeps saying "potty, potty" so I put her there.

I don't thinks he's ready to start potty training, but maybe things will go pretty smoothly when she is if she already has the mechanics figured out!