Saturday, June 6, 2015

Summer Fun

Summer vacation has begun.  We are going into the 3rd week of summer break, and the girls are having a blast.

To catch up, we had Alli's dance recital and year end class party.  1st Grade has proved to be her favorite so far, but mostly because of her teacher Ms. Fisher.  Alli did great, winning some year-end awards at the party.

Alli's dance recital sparked some interest in Natalie.  First, here's Alli in her recital.  She is such a beautiful ballerina!

But seeing Alli all dressed up made Natalie feel like she should have a costume too.  So that started a full week of being a bee, including going to the park several times as a bee, and going for a family walk as a bee:

After the bee costume went through the wash, it was not longer a draw.  Whew!  I was afraid I was going to have a bee all summer!

Soon we will be going camping, so we decided to "practice".  I mean, we have a 2-1/2 year and a new dog.  Practice seemed like a good idea.  And it was!  We learned alot and are making adjustments before our trip.  Here was our "practice":

And of course, one picture of the morning it rained.  Not sure why the girls couldn't grab their own shoes, but that was obviously not in the plan.  This was 6:30am, hence the PJs.  Rain and umbrellas is always a fun thing in Arizona!