Monday, November 26, 2012

Family Thanksgiving Week

This year we hosted the "Cousins Thanksgiving", which included our family, my brother's family, and my cousin Stephanie's family.  (It typically includes my cousin Daniel's family as well, but they were unable to make it this year.)  The fun started the Sunday before Thanksgiving when Stephanie, Grant, and their daughter Addison came to town.  Addison and Alli are about 10 months apart, so they had a lot of fun together.  They painted, played games, got every toy imaginable out on Alli's floor (daily), and even went "jeeping" with the dads.  On Wednesday they checked into a hotel and we had a quick family switch as my brother and his family arrived to stay at our house.

The cousins had a great time playing with each other, the adults had a great time watching the kids and catching up.

We watched a lot of things in our house break:  the refrigerator (had the repair guy out twice!), the toilet (that was quite a mess cleaning up an inch of water!), and the hot tub heater.  Glad we don't host for another 4 years!

Thanksgiving day was a full day, starting with Alli and I walking in the Thanksgiving Day parade with her dance class.

We then rushed home to get the turkey started.  The little girls helped me prepare the pumpkin pie!  And the men were ordered out of the kitchen, but eventually were let into the kitchen to help prepare the feast, but were given girl names while in the kitchen area.  :)  Andy=Angelina.  Grant=Grace.  Kim=Kim.  hmmm...

The feast:

The Amstutz/Guerrette cousins:

The Perkins:

The adults:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Smiles and Coos

Natalie is starting to smile (without being gas induced).  She has the cutest little look when she smiles at you.  :)  I'm all warm and fuzzy seeing it.  She also started playing with different sounds and now has some very cute coos coming out of her.  What's funny, is every now and then she'll be making some noises and I'll say "let mommy hear one of your cute little coos", and then she does!  Good girl!  ;)

Just last night we had a record sleep - with 6 hours between feedings.  To bad the feeding was at 8pm and I didn't get to bed til 9:30, but whatever.  It still gave me til 2am to sleep!

We continue logging food to see what makes Natalie tick.  I have cut out dairy, nuts, and most of the wheat.  That pretty much is a minimal diet!  I am experimenting with the nuts though, cause they are one of my staples for snack food.  So soon I will try a coconut / pecan bar and see if we both do okay on it.  It's got all natural ingredients (and names that I can read/recognize), so hopefully this will be a great snack for us if there are no puking issues.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Month Checkup

Natalie's one month well-child checkup was yesterday.  She passed with flying colors.  Here are her stats:

Height:  22 inches (about 75th percentile from what I can tell on the CDC charts)
Weight:  9.88 lbs (again about 75th percentile)

Yes, she is quite a big baby!  Must take after Kim and not me!!  :D

He skin is beautiful, eyes are focusing farther away than they were expecting, and doctor was impressed that we put her on the activity mat and she could actually hit some of the animals (although it might be just a fluke as she swings her arms around!)

I also mentioned that I am keeping a food log to try to figure out what I'm eating that makes her projectile puke, or gives her such cramps when bowel movements move.  I hate when she wakes up from a dead sleep just because she has to poop!  So far, I've eliminated the coffee theory - THANK GOD!  So, coffee is still in my diet.  But it does look like nut-butters are out.  Potentially nuts, but she doesn't seem to react as much from a handful of nuts as she does from a sandwich with peanut butter or almond butter.  Figure *that* one out!

There are other foods as well that are bothering her, but I haven't figured them out.  Dairy for sure, and while I tend not to eat much dairy, it does seem that the little I do might affect her.  And maybe beans, but I'm still exploring that theory.

Natalie is a really good baby.  She doesn't really cry much.  I'm getting to know her squeaks and grunts and can usually give her what she wants before she resorts to the all-out cry.   Yay!  And she's getting used to me as well.  She also knows that when I'm holding her, she does *not* prefer the pacifier - she would rather have the good stuff!!!!  (But sometimes she relents and takes the pacifier from me.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cluster Feeding

Ah cluster feeding.  I had totally forgotten about cluster feeding until I went back and looked at some of my blog posts from Alli.  Cluster feeding is going less then three hours, usually right before the long night time sleep (or early in the morning right after to catch up).  Natalie is a sleeper!  In fact, it seems like she would rather sleep than eat, but I knew that going down to 7 feedings a day wasn't what I was supposed to do.  And then I read my post from Alli about how she was sleeping longer and cluster feeding in the morning.  Ah ha!

So last night, Natalie stayed awake after her feeding at 6:30pm.  By 8:00, she was beside herself - crying because she couldn't quite get to sleep, but was exhausted.  So, I fed her.  And guess what!!  She slept from about 8pm to 1am!!  Yes, 5 hours!  Woo hoo!  And then after a 4am feeding, she woke up 2 hours later, and then 2 hours after that - more cluster feeding.  So after her 8am feeding, we are back to every 3 hours through the day.  Magic!  We are finally developing a system that keeps her from crying for food and me from running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make 2 girls happy!

We now feed right before drop-off of school, and right before pick-up of school (if I can help it), and it makes the car travel less, well, stressful.  No newborn crying hysterically anymore!

But yes, she still will cry trying to fall asleep in her carseat.  But Alli has taken on her big sister responsibilities to heart.  If Natalie cries, Alli will say "quick Mom - ABCs!"  I put on the song in the car and Alli sings (only Alli - I get in trouble if I sing) and Natalie quickly calms down.  It's pretty cute. And Alli will sing while buckling herself in her carseat, arranging her animals...  Whatever it takes.  She's on it!  But I must say, Natalie calms down much quicker with a full belly.  :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

4 Weeks Old!

I'm not sure how to explain the fact that I've given birth to a tall daughter.  And she's still growing!  The newborn onesies my mom brought don't fit anymore.  They are fine in width, just not in length.  All the nice sleepers that people got for us are now too short from shoulders to butt, and definitely have too small of footy for the long feet that Natalie is sporting.  And I just bought size 1 diapers cause I think she is pretty much outgrowing the NB size.  I'm completely amazed.

On a different note, Natalie and I are starting to get used to each other. She definitely recognizes my voice, my touch, my smell. And together we are getting into more routines. She fusses quite a bit when she has a soiled diaper, so we are going through them like water, but whatever.  When we are in the car and she is crying, the ABCs song calms her down, and definitely calms her much quicker if Alli sings the song!  She is definitely an outdoor girl. She loves looking out the window and today I found she just loves hanging out outside.  Good thing Mom cleaned the outdoor sofa for us - we are spending way more time out there just hangin', looking at all our cool plants that now adorn the patio, and telling stories.

She's doing a great job sleeping at night, going for 4 hours at a time. I'm pretty sure we are down to only 7 feedings a day instead of 8.  I do wake her up every 2-1/2 to 3 hours during the day so she eats, but I'm growing more and more tired as the weeks roll on, so I'm not as rigorous with the schedule at night.

I can't believe how quickly the time is passing!