Monday, September 29, 2014

Teeth, Beds, Toilets...

Hooray!  Alli lost her first tooth tonight!  It was really loose, and two big teeth are already growing in behind her two bottom teeth.  Only one was really loose, the other just slightly.  She said tonight after brushing teeth that it was bothering her.  I told her to just pull it out.  Well, the family all went separate ways - I went to put Nat to bed, Kim to do the dishes, Alli to play.  I came out about 5 minutes later and Alli was showing Kim her tooth!!!  I guess she took my words very seriously.  :)

Natalie will be two on Sunday.  She has started this thing about sleeping in Alli's bed.  She always wants to go night night in the bed now.  While I don't mind her sleeping in a bed, it makes putting her to bed much more difficult.  She doesn't stay in it!  And when we lay down with her, she wiggles for 30-40 minutes before settling down.  It's a bit frustrating on us parents.  So I think for her birthday, or soon after, we will get her a twin size bed.  I mean, it's really crowded in the middle of the night with Alli, Natalie, and mommy all on one twin bed!!  :)  (Yes, the bed is really for mommy!!)

Ok, so I figured Natalie is two.  She wants to do everything her big sister does.  So I decided we should start potty training.  Well, she is stubborn just like Alli, but in different ways.  She figured things out pretty quickly the first day I had her run around bottomless.  She peed once.  I wisked her to the toilet.  She graciously then went every 30 minutes just like I wanted, but never once did a drop leave her.  Until nap time.  I put a diaper on her.  Holy cow was it full - I had to change it before she even fell asleep!  And the stinker just kept doing that.  So no accidents while naked, but no success on the toilet either.  Grrr....  I went out and bought some underwear and training pants.  We'll see if those will help, although it's going to take a little time before I have another good weekend to devote to potty training, so we'll see if we can do it at mommy's convenience...