Sunday, November 22, 2009

Alli's 18 Month Pictures and Stats

Alli has a very large vocabulary - I won't even try to count the words. She's been saying phrases as well, like "where are you" and "bye bye daddy", "thank you mommy". It's very cute.

She's able to do her shapes wooden puzzle. It has a circle, square, rectangle, triangle and oval. She can count to 8 or 10 (sometimes it's hard to tell what she's saying) but she skips 4 every time! I'm not sure why.

Her favorite song is still the ABC's and she sings it well enough that people recognize it. And yes, she sings the whole thing and if she doesn't get lost while doing it, she even finishes with "yay" and clapping at the end, just like when mommy sings it.

Itsy Bitsy Spider is another favorite. She does the hand signal for the spider all the time, sometimes she does the "wash the spider out" hand signal, but none of the others really. But it's soooo cute!!

I'm pretty impressed at what she can do at 18 months, and amazed at how much development has happened in the last 3-6 months.

So stats:
Height: 32 inches (59% - I have no clue where that's coming from. Must be Kim.)
Weight: 21.2 lbs (8% - I can probably guess where that's coming from. ;) )
Head Circ: 17.8" (13%. This one seems odd. It means her head hasn't grown for 3 months.)

And finally, pictures of our little darling.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Ride in a Bike Trailer

Kim and I finally broke down and paid uber money for a really cool bike trailer. Today we made plans with our "biking neighbors" to tool around the neighborhood and check it out. We had lots of fun - all 5 of us! Here are some pics of Alli with her new gear.

Oh - she was finishing up her snack of an apple...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Pics

Alli was a bumble bee this year. We celebrated the same as last year - with the Searle's, the Searle's, and the Rosings at the festival in Fountain Hills. If you find the picture from last year, you will see that the group has grown - by 3 kids!!! Yes, all of their families have had another child within the year. Pretty cool!