Friday, May 30, 2008

Gettin' Big!

Today was Alli's weigh in visit, you know, to make sure her life outside the womb is treating her well. Apparently it is. Alli now weighs 6 lbs 3 oz, a whole 1/2 lb more than her lowest weight after birth!

I am very happy that all the frustrations I have felt with the breastfeeding and pumping were more in my head than anything and apparently what I have been doing is working well for our little girl. Someone did tell me though that whatever I decided to do with the feeding was the correct thing to do. She was very wise. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Blessings of Other Mothers

I have about 15 minutes (I think/hope) before another feeding, and actually thought I had time to log in and submit a post. Sorry the posts are fewer these days, both Kim and I are adjusting. And quite frankly, a nice hot shower for me sounds better than a post to a blog. :)

There is really nothing major to report, but I wanted to get something out on the blog for everyone that checks periodically. Hopefully tomorrow (or this weekend) I will get a small blurb up about her weigh-in, which is tomorrow afternoon.

I just want to say that one thing this has taught me is that I am fortunate to have so many friends that are already moms. Staying at home and going through the confusion of new motherhood has been fun in that I get to call, and get calls, from other mothers and I get to hear how they endured these early days, what their kids did to them, etc. It's really a great bonding experience for me with my other "mom" friends - a part of a relationship I never had with them before (because seriously, you can't even imagine what they are talking about until you experience it first or second hand).

So, I am very grateful for my friends and family that continually help me through this time. I think it's getting better. At least my attitude is as I've realized my life is no longer my own and I am at the total beckon call of a precious little creature. And the highlight of my day is now if I get to shower!! :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nobody Told Me About the Hazing!!!

We had our first milestone this past week - Alli's umbilical cord fell off...on Thursday morning. So, why did it take me 3 days to post this to the blog? Well, any mother I assume knows, but I didn't. It's the hazing that has to take place to really become part of "The Mothers Club". You ask what this is? Well, it's my interpretation of what every mom (as I'm finding) has to go through to graduate to the other side and learn life not as we ever knew it before.

When you hear about infants, you hear that they only eat, sleep, and poop. You hear stories of how precious they are, how wonderful it is to be a mom, etc. But I'm telling a slightly different story. Yes, Alli is adorable and I wouldn't trade her for the world. But the cycles of the day (or feeding hours) are more like a hazing period to me. How is it that I can look at this adorable child as she yawns while waking up, makes faces like crazy, and then slowly opens her eyes just to gaze up at me. My heart just sinks thinking that this beautiful creature came out of my belly. And then we nurse and I play with her hands, tell her stories, stroke her head, sing... (What else are you supposed to do when you're stuck on a chair for 30 minutes!) And then we get up and sometimes she's awake and calm and happy. And I think 'this is so wonderful'. And then she stays awake and there is nothing I can do to entertain her at this age. And then some more time passes and she gets fussy, constantly wants to be held, which is wonderful, but also trying if you want to accomplish anything for your own personal life. And then the fussiness turns into crying and all you can think is "God child, can't you just fall asleep already?" And then you try every trick in the book to appease her, resorting last for the boob because what are the chances she's actually hungry already? And then finally, she falls asleep and you are relieved, happy, exhausted. Unfortunately, 1/2 hour later, you see her squirming and all you can think of is "NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm not ready!!! I can't do this again!!!" And then she wakes up with her beautiful yawn, her facial expressions, and then opens her eyes and you think "you are the most wonderful thing..." And so goes the hazing of motherhood - the total rollercoaster of emotions, anxiety, exhaustion.

I hear everyone's hazing period is different. I'm hoping to be one of the lucky ones with a short term.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

More Photos

I updated the Flickr page with more photos. I'll work on cross posting them here. But, in the meantime head on over to the Flickr page.


Originally uploaded by yokimbo


Originally uploaded by yokimbo


Originally uploaded by yokimbo

Here's sleeping beauty in all her glory. I've started adding photos of Alli to Flickr. I'll try to post something here to direct you to updates on Flickr, but just in case I don't you can bookmark (or even subscribe to) this page:

I've also added a link to this set on the sidebar on the right side of this blog, called "Alli's Flickr Photos". Enjoy!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Doctor's Visit

On Friday, May 16th, Allison met Dr. Patel and everyone at her office. Since Dr. Patel doesn't have privileges at St. Joe's, she wanted to give Alli a once over (weight, height, tests, etc). It was all routine stuff. We scheduled our next two visits: one at two weeks for a weight check with the nurse, then a second at four weeks. We'll have another at eight weeks, but we're waiting to schedule that one.

Mommy Consoling Allison

Alli, Dr. Patel, Jenny

Kim, Jenny, and Alli

Bonus points if you knew that's a Firefox t-shirt I'm wearing. ;)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

First Sponge Bath at Home

Jenny and I double-teamed Alli and gave her a sponge bath tonight. Jenny held her and moved her while I bathed her. We had watched a helpful DVD, courtesy of Myleen, that goes over many of these things. It helped, but their baby wasn't quite as squirmy and inconsolable as ours. Little Allison was not happy. But, we got through it and have a clean little girl because of it. Now it's Mommy's turn to do what only she can, feed Alli. When that girl wants food, she wants it now. Go Jenny go!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home

One More For The Road

Alli's having one last meal, courtesy of Mom, before we head home to
meet Baggy. Keep your eyes on the blog over the next day or two. I'll
have some photos up and Alli will have her first visit with Dr. Patel.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let There Be Pee

Finally, we have definite proof of pee. While we were changing a poopy
diaper, she soaked her diaper, her kimono, her receiving blanket, and
the changing pad. We're very proud parents tonight. We'll sleep
well ... for about an hour. ;)

One More Night

Alli poops like a champ but can't seem to produce a pee-only diaper so
the family is staying one more night in the hospital. The nurses
aren't overly concerned but would really like to see a pee-soaked
diaper before we head home.

Late Morning Update

Dr. Plimpton stopped by this morning to check on Jenny and Alli. He
gave the ok for Jenny to leave whenever, but Allison hasn't gone pee
yet, so she can't leave. If they have to use catheter then we'll have
to stay another day for observation. We'll keep you updated.

Alli just passed her first test. Apparently she can hear just fine. I
guess that means Jenny and I will have to come up with kid-safe
nicknames for each other. ;)

We're Exhausted, But She's So Adorable

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Allison's First Sponge Bath

Watching Allison get prepped for her first sponge bath. I have much
better photos of this and everything else. I'll post them later. In
the meantime, enjoy.

Jenny & Alli

Allison's Details

5lbs 12oz
18" long
Born 5:14 on 5/13

It's a ...

Girl! Allison Kim Guerrette was born 5:14am.

Fully Dialated

The patosin worked, she jump from 4cm or 5cm to 10cm. Nurse Judy left
to call Dr. Plimpton.

Kim Guerrette
from my iPhone

Epideral and Sleepy-time

Jenny had some Stadol for the pain. Had physical, now its epideral
time ... And she's asleep. She's about 4cm. This has been textbook so
far. I'm just glad she isn't feeling pain anymore.

Time for me to get some extra water, pillows from the car, and some

The labor is real

The nurses declare the labor official (not false labor), called Dr.
Plimpton, prepping an IV, moving us soon to our room, and getting an
epideral. Jenny says it's not soon enough. ;)

Monday, May 12, 2008

No breaks

The right shows Jenny's contractions. The last few were really close
together. Ouch!

At the hospital

Water broke

On the way to the hospital.

Kim Guerrette
from my iPhone

Still in the Holding Pattern

Just FYI for anyone checking for status from Kim on the blog, the baby changed its mind... Contractions got much stronger last night and about 10 minutes apart. We decided to wait through it and try to go to bed. I woke up several times with strong contractions, but then things died down. This morning they are much farther apart, and not as strong, although they are starting to build up strength again. We are just waiting to see what happens...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

This is a test ...

Hi. Just testing the post-by-email feature of Blogger. Once we
actually go to the hospital I should be able to post updates and low
res photos via my phone until I can get the good stuff from camera to
computer. We'll let you know when the real fun starts.

Kim Guerrette
from my iPhone

Hospital Yo-Yo, and Just in Time!

Friday we had gotten word that Cigna and Catholic Healthcare West (aka, St. Joe's Hospital) had finished negotiating their contract, so St. Joe's is back being covered under our insurance. While we still haven't heard anything directly from Cigna (and their customer representatives don't know anything yet if you call), we did hear it from General Dynamics as well as a friend that works at St. Joe's.

So, we will be birthing the child back at St. Joe's. And I say just in time because last night (Saturday night) I started getting "Pink Show". If you don't know what that is, look it up. I think I don't want to talk about that much biology in this blog. :) From what the book says, it's a pre-labor symptom and usually means labor will start within 24 hours (however it could take up to 3 days). So it sounds like we are going to meet Peanut sometime this week!! Hurray!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Gender Dilemna

Kim thought it would be fun to note all the different guesses as to the gender of our baby and why. This has been something quite fun for us, so we thought we would share.

1. I think it's a boy because it's all in front. With girls, they wrap around and you fill out sideways.
2. I think it's a boy because you are carrying low.
3. I think it's a boy because you are carrying high. (Yes, apparently I am carrying both high and low, but everyone thinks it's a boy.)
4. I think it's a girl because you don't know when in your cycle you conceived, so it's most likely a girl.
5. I think it's a boy because you didn't get "all the pretty" sucked out of you during pregnancy.
6. I think it's a boy because you haven't gotten super-hormonal.
7. I "feel" boy for you.
8. Jori is having a girl, so you must be having a boy, because really, how many girls can we all have!?!?! (Same person as #7)
9. What? You're getting poked in the ribs but the butt is there? Then it must be a boy, and he's well endowed!!! (Same person as #7 & #8, and Kim is quite pleased about that idea!!)
10. You are having a girl. (Emily, age 4)
11. I think you are having a girl, but I'm always wrong so you must really be having a boy.
12. From the Chinese Gender Calendar: Girl

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today's 38 week checkup went well. I've gained no more weight, but neither has the baby. We're still looking at around 6-1/2 lbs, so the doctor isn't worried about the baby getting too big for me. Nothing really has changed much since last week - I'm 90% thinned (if you can measure that closely) and I get contractions daily, but nothing strong enough to birth a child.

We talked about inducing, but I feel letting the body do its thing naturally is probably better. He agreed, but said I could always change my mind and they wouldn't think anything of it. He also said that if we did decide to induce, typically labor is longer and a little harder. Right now, there are no medical reasons to induce. The baby is fine, I am fine... It's just a matter of patience...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Nursery and Some More Prego Pics

I'll save any updates for Wednesday after our doctor's appointment. Today is just to post some pics that Kim took yesterday.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

37 Week Checkup

Yesterday was our weekly checkup. We're at 37 weeks and counting. Everything is fine. There isn't much room left for the baby, but I suppose that's pretty normal for this phase of the game. The doctor said that I'm 80% thinned, but still no dilation. I had been having contractions since the day before (probably a bit stress-induced) and I had one while the doctor was examining me. His comment was "Wow, that's a pretty long one. How far apart are these occurring?" Of course, I have no idea because I know they aren't strong enough to do anything, so I haven't timed them. He agreed that these were just practice/false labor and I would definitely know when the real ones hit. But he thought my level of pain tolerance was fairly high based on my smile and conversation through the contraction, so he reassured me that I would be fine through labor.

He doesn't try to take a guess as to when the baby is coming. He just says it's all up to my brain and the baby to coordinate, and then it would happen. And also that we were still quite a ways from the estimated due date, so it's a little early to start fretting over the fact that it isn't happening. :)

The ultrasound also showed the baby is at approximately 6-1/2 lbs. But this week again, I didn't gain any weight. Looks like the baby is starting to suck my life away now! :) Just kidding!!