Monday, December 7, 2009

Night Night Daddy!

Alli got sick this weekend. She's doing fine, just sorta sick right now. So I decided it would be an early dinner for her and an early bedtime. Unfortunately, Daddy had a late night at work, so there was no seeing the baby before she headed off to bed. I was putting her to bed when she heard my cell phone make a noise. I knew what it was - it was a text from Kim saying he was on his way home. Alli knew it was my phone, slid off my lap saying "phone?" and started in to the kitchen where my phone was sitting on the counter. She said "night night Daddy", so I asked her if she wanted to call Daddy to say night night. We called, and she said it! She usually gets quiet as soon as the phone is "live", but this time, it was "night night Daddy!". Once we hung up, she was happy to go to bed. Awwwwwww!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mom! I can't find my bellybutton!!!

The weather is getting colder and that means warmer PJ's for Alli. (When do they learn to keep covers on themselves??) Anyway, we're finding that "winter" pajama selection is difficult. Some kids suck their thumbs to calm themselves, Alli plays with her bellybutton. But not through her clothes. What we're finding is if we put her in nice warm, fuzzy, zip-up PJ's, she wakes up during the night because she can't soothe herself back to sleep. No, instead we have to find PJ's that are warm and also snap somehow so we can leave a little opening in her belly area for her hand to slide in so she can find her bellybutton. Well, there goes the soft fuzzy ones!