Friday, March 26, 2010

March is Eventful!

Just wanted to note a couple of things...

Last weekend, we were in the ER for Croup again. Ugh. Alli was fine - no sign of anything and then woke up at 11pm wheezing and coughing. The wheezing was bad so off we went to the ER. It won us a 3.5 hour stay (because they wanted to monitor her until the steroids kicked in). Boy, we knew when that was because she had the wonderful reaction of GETTING ENERGY from them! Yes, a bouncing baby at 4am. Yikes. When we got home, she just wanted to play with all her toys. She finally dozed off at about 6:30am, but then woke up promptly by 8. Needless to say, the whole family was a bit out of sorts the next day. She's doing fine now - a lingering cough but nothing much else.

And today was hectic, not because of Alli, but because of Bagheera. Earlier this morning Alli and I went outside. We were in and out of the house and garage, no biggie. So then I decide we should have a snack and go to the park before I drop her off at Marcie's. So she sits down and eats some oranges and I realize there is no dog. So I go looking for Bagheera and I found he had inadvertently got locked in the garage. Apparently, he decided that this was his golden opportunity to EAT THE DIAPERS IN THE POOP trashcan that we keep in the garage so Alli's room doesn't stink. There were diaper remnants, dirty wipes, and poop smeared all over the garage. I actually started gagging as I was trying to clean it up. Needless to say, we didn't make it to the park.

After I dropped Alli off, I came home and decided the whole house smelled like poop so I bathed the dog, opened all thewindows, and lit a bunch of candles.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shape Sorter

This weekend, Alli was sick with Croup, as well as some allergies (I think). Anyway, we had a lot of indoor play, so she was pulling out toys from her closet that she hasn't seen in a while. One of the toys she pulled out was a Tupperware Shape Sorter. You know the one - it's a ball where half of it is red and half is blue and you pull it apart to get the yellow shapes out of it, and then you have to put them in the right holes to get them back. You remember? We all had them when we were kids... Anyway, she pulled it out and asked for help. So I pulled the halves apart to get the pieces out, and then we put them back together. I would show her the hole for the shape she grabbed and she would put it in. The next day, she saw it on the floor and asked for help again, so I dumped the shapes for her, but I was putting laundry away so I figured I would help her further when I was done. To my surprise, she had 5 shapes already in the ball by the time I returned to her. And now, one day later and only about 2 additional tries at the toy, she can do them all herself except for the trapezoid and the pie shape. For some reason, she can't figure out how to hold the shape to get it in the hole (maybe because these are the only asymmetrical shapes). I was pretty impressed!

Monday, March 8, 2010

February Stuff

I have decided that maybe a recap of the month's events would be a good thing to put on the blog. Let's see if I can keep that going for a while…

So February events for Alli:

We went sledding in Forest Lakes over the weekend of Feb. 12-14. There was a *ton* of snow! We were so excited to take her down the hill, after all, she loves going fast in the wagon and every other thing she does. But the snow gave her a different want. OUT! She wanted nothing to do with the snow. She *hated* it. Don't set her down in it. Don't put her hand near it. Don't make her sit on a sled on it. Ugh. What a bummer. By the end of our two days of snow play, we got her to go down the hill with us a couple of times (about 10 feet of total travel distance each time) and she cried the entire time down every trip! We also made her walk in the snow, which she cried the whole time as well. Maybe next year she will see the fun of playing in snow…

The one thing I've noticed as a big change for her is she's starting to wake up happy. Instead of crying to get us to grab her, she's finally yelling "MOMMY". We enjoy that much better. And every now and then she just stays in her room quietly and we realize she's awake because Bagheera wanders in and we hear her talking to him. :) That is an *extra special* morning.

We have had to learn a lot about discipline lately. She definitely is hitting the 2's and wants her independence. There are choices we don't agree with though and since she doesn't seem to listen to reason (yet), we have to discipline. We do try to tell her why - she's a smart kid, so at some point she's going to understand it.

She plays several different video games on her iPhone (daddy's old phone). "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus", "Hatch", "Peekaboo Barn" and "ABC Animals". But now we don't start the games for her, we just hand her the phone and she knows how to turn it on, get into the interface, and pick the game of her choice. Yikes!!

Alli is also quite the parrot. And now that she's reaching 2, we hear "no" a lot more. It's really cute though. You say something like "Alli, do you want to kiss Bagheera?" And she'll say "No, no kiss Bagheera". It's always "No, no" whatever you said. I've had her say some ridiculous things, so I know she doesn't mean "no", she's just reciting. It does get a little trying though if we are trying to figure out what she wants!

Oh, one other thing that I would love to document. Marcie's youngest is a year older than Alli. His name is Gage. The interaction between the two of them is just adorable. Gage answers the door in the morning when Alli arrives and he is always very excited. Likewise, Alli is always excited to see Gage. It's so cute to watch them talk to each other in the morning. The other day, Alli was at home playing with a phone. Her standard phrase when she plays is "Hello? Hi. Blah, blah, blah. Ok, bye." Clearly my conversations must take that pattern. But then she threw in a new one… "Hello? Hi Gage. Blah, blah, blah. Bye". Awwwww, she's calling Gage!! :D

And as for the toilet thing? Yea, that was a fad. She doesn't even want to sit on the toilet anymore. Oh well. When she's ready...