Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Life with a 2-1/2 year old

Kim and I are finding that life with a 2-1/2 year old is very spontaneous. Today it was soooo cold outside and yet she wanted to go out and play. So we bundled up and went outside to play. She rode her tricycle all over the backyard, including up and down a gravel hill. She played on the slide, only to find her hands were very cold. So we went in and got some mittens and then all things were good outside. :)

Our family sleeping has been much better since Grandma Rickey suggested that Bagheera sleep with Alli. It's been heaven since we made that switch - both kids in the room together and mommy and daddy finally having a bed to themselves. Ahhhhh!

Alli's speech is so complete I can't believe she has more to learn. She carries on conversations very well. And for any parent that doesn't think kids learn the most by example should be shot. We see everything we do someone echoed by Alli. Right now, she asks if she can do, well, anything. It just dawned on my the other day that this was because Kim and I ask her before we do anything - something we learned to do with her in our communication exploration during the terrible twos stage.

And during this Christmas break, mommy was terribly sick. But I had Alli taking care of me when daddy was out riding. She gave me stickers and fed me tea (pretend tea from her tea set). What more could a mommy want!!!

Christmas was also quite fun with her. She asked to open everyone's presents. And we gladly said yes (except for Bagheera, who likes to open his own gifts!)

We are looking forward to seeing more changes in our little angel during the new year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How the Big Girl Bed has Changed our Sleeping

So everyone assumes that transitioning a child from the crib to something else makes bedtime more of a hassle since they can get out of the new bed so easily. Well, that's not really the case for our family.

Alli has done a *great* job of staying in bed she goes to sleep at night. We rarely have a problem. But.... she gets out of bed when she wakes up in the morning - no matter how early. She doesn't come into our room, instead she stands in the hallway just outside her room and lets out a little cry. It doesn't matter if we tell her she can come into our room, she just stands there. So, daddy usually climbs out of bed and brings her to our bed so we can get just that extra 15-20 minutes of snoozing in.

But lately it has gotten a little worse. Now she's waking up in the middle of the night, like 2:30am and standing in the hall and letting out her little cry. We usually don't bring her to our bed if we have hours of sleep left, so one of us, usually me, takes her back to bed and if necessary, lays with her until after she falls asleep. But this has also progressed to just going to bed with her in her twin-sized bed (hence the reason it's usually me.) While it's adorable to roll over and see this beautiful little girl sound asleep, it's also, well, not such a good night sleep. When she changes position, an arm usually goes out to make sure I'm still there. Stinker! :D

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baggy Loves Alli

After putting Alli to bed and finishing chores, Jenny and I couldn't find Bagheera. On a wild guess, we went into Alli's room and found him laying on her bed. It's ridiculously cute to think that Baggy missed Alli while we were in Texas for Thanksgiving.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bye Bye Underwear

After 3 months of potty training, lots of disgusting laundry, I convinced Alli's teacher to just put her back into her diapers until Alli decided she was ready to try to be a big girl. The last straw (for me) was when she peed 3 times in 30 minutes at preschool and sat in it without any care. Ugh. She just doesn't want to do it, and I'm tired of fighting it.

On other notes though, she is excelling. Everything is by color: "Mommy, what is that?" "No, it's 'blue'!" :D

We found out that she likes some of Britney Spears' songs. It's really cute to see her shake her bootie, which she is doing quite a bit these days.

She understands so much about everything, and she wants to do everything that mommy does. She helps me cook meals, do laundry, etc. She also wants to wear similar clothes - if I have a jacket on, she needs a jacket. If I take my socks off, she takes her socks off. It's really cute.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year, Alli started understanding Halloween a little better. She dressed up in her little kitty cat costume and I tried to explain trick-or-treating to her. We had our candy bowl, and I told her to say "trick-or-treat" and then I gave her some candy. All was looking promising.

We went to the first house and we knocked on the door. I told her when the person answered she should yell "trick-or-treat". She did - without any prompting. We were quite impressed. Then she handed the lady the candy from her own bag. We laughed. It's nice that she was ready to give!! :) The 3 of us helped her with the candy and then we went walking to the next house.

This house however had lots of people sitting outside, and Kim and I knew the parents. With all the commotion, Alli got shy. So up in my arms she went and wouldn't say a word. Unfortunately, she never got over it. So we hit 4-5 houses total and then just went back home. She was much more talkative there - hanging out with us and the neighbors out front with a fire in the pit beside the driveway.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Alli's First Night In Her New Bed

She picked out the red sheets and Lightning McQueen (Cars) comforter.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Alli's First Haircut

Alli's hair has finally reached the point where we thought we could cut it without having her look like a little boy. And since Kim and I both had haircuts scheduled at the same time, we thought it might be fun to have a whole-family haircut day. Stacy did an awesome job on Alli's hair, and Alli was such a big girl, sitting nice and still in the chair the entire time Stacy cut it.

And, in typical Guerrette style, the camera and video camera were going the whole time!

Alli's Getting a Bed

We've know for several months that Alli could climb out of her crib. The first few times she did it were out of frustration, tantrum really, when we put her in time-out in her crib (a bad practice that we stopped shortly after starting). We weren't too worried, however, because we stopped punishing her by putting her in her crib, and she stopped climbing out.

We knew it wouldn't last. For the past couple of nights, Alli has been climbing out of her crib because she wasn't ready to go to sleep. Jenny and I would put her to bed, then a couple minutes later we'd hear her door open and hear her walk into the kitchen to tell us something. I think we both laughed a litte, regained composure, and told Alli that she wasn't allowed to climb out of bed. That didn't really work as she's been getting out of bed 2 or 3 times per night. She asked that we keep her door open when we put her in her crib. We obliged thinking that would keep her happy enough to keep her in bed. Sometimes we'll check on her after 5 or ten minutes only to find her standing in her doorway, listening to us.

This morning, the girl who normally wakes up at 6am-ish, walked into our room at 7:30am. She's so cute. Jenny and I both said, "Good morning, Alli!" She ran to me at the side of the bed closest to the door and said, "Daddy, I poopied." Jenny and I laughed.

-- Kim

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's Been Going On

It's been a while since I blogged, so I figured I had better talk about some of the changes in Alli.

In the last month, more words/sentences have been coming out of her mouth. Baggy (or Geera) has turned into Bagheera. Phrases have turned into complete sentences - like "Bagheera, what are you doing under the table?" It's quite fun to watch her blossom!

Potty training is...well...still challenging. She still hasn't made the connection of when she has to go, so we still have to make her go sit on the potty periodically. And poopies have not been on the toilet at all - those she still goes and runs away and pushes while hiding in a corner. :)

She is learning lots of new songs at school, which is fun. And she has finally learned her colors. Yay! But it's now a big deal if I pull out a sippy cup and she doesn't want that particular color today... Ugh!

Alli is *very* independent. While it's frustrating to wait for her to finish something, it's also more time consuming if I don't. For instance, if I try to help pull her shirt off of her cause she's having problems getting it over her head, she winds up in a complete melt-down because *she* wanted to do it. So we have to put the shirt back on and start all over again. There are times where she walks an item back to where I got it from just so she can pick it up herself. Sometimes that's really funny, and other times, well, when you're in a hurry...

Her teacher (Miss Flo) says she often confuses Alli with a 3 year old because she is mature for her age and she hangs out with the 3 year old girls when they get the classes together. As soon as she figures out the potty-training, she'll be moving up to join them. :)

We also started her in a little gymnastics program at a place called "The Little Gym". She *loves* it. They have all sorts of gymnastics equipment which Alli gets to explore. She really likes the balance beam and hanging from the bars. :) We (the parents) are also learning how to spot the kids so that we can help them with flips, learn how to teach them the beginnings of hand stands, cart wheels, etc. It's a cool little place and Alli gets excited when I tell her we are going to the gym.

And speaking of work outs, mommy started running consistently again. So what happened? Alli wanted to start running. Last night she decided she wanted to go and we took off and wound up going probably 1/4 mile!! Nice work little girl!!! (She had to walk half way up one of the hills.)

Alli also had her first boat ride last weekend. She was soooo excited and did an excellent job swimming in the middle of the lake with her life jacket on. I was pretty amazed that she didn't get scared. She even jumped off the back of the boat holding my hand to get into the water. Big girl!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

2nd Day of Daycare

Today was Alli's second day of daycare and she came home with only 1 pair of soiled underwear (a poop) and the same clothes we put her in this morning. Holy cow - that's some progress in the potty training department!

She is very chatty all the way home, which is quite fun for mommy. Both mommy and daddy keep thinking that in 2 days she has matured months. It's crazy - but also exciting!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Potty Training Attempt #1

Well, we weren't really planning on potty training Alli because she didn't seem ready, but the opportunity presented itself so we figured "why not".

If you take Alli to the toilet, she will go - even if you ask her if she has to and she says "no", she will typically manage to get something out.

So yesterday I went to pick her up at Marcie's and we wound up staying and swimming with all the kids. When we got out of the pool, Marcie said "oh yea, I forgot to tell you that I was running low on diapers, so now I don't have any." Well, there was nothing we could do except put her in big-girl panties, so we grabbed a pair of Reegan's (4T - a bit big for Alli) and told her "you have to go potty on the toilet now - you have big girl underwear on." We assumed this would work, plus we were planning on setting her on the toilet every 1/2 hour or so.

5 minutes after getting the underpants on, she pooped in them. Ugh. Okay, so I took her to the bathroom, cleaned her up, set her on the toilet (nothing came out), and got another pair of Reegan's underwear. "Alli, if you have to go potty, you need to tell Mommy or Marcie and we'll help you sit on the toilet."

10 minutes after that incident: "MOMMY!!! AHHHHHHHH". "Alli - your pants are wet..." Ugh. So, we cleaned up mess #2, sat Alli on the toilet again (and again, nothing came out), and grabbed yet another pair of Reegan's underwear.

20 minutes into dinner: "MOMMY - OUT!!!" "Alli - you went potty while you were eating??? Ugh..." By this time, Reegan was protesting us using her underwear and decided that what Alli needed was a pair of Gage's underwear. I surely didn't mind if Alli wore boys underwear, but Marcie said no and Reegan had to give up yet another pair...

15 minutes later, we went home. The first thing I did was put her in a diaper. :)

Today we decided we would just see if it was a fluke last night...

Alli has a little training toilet at our house that Marcie gave us and Alli likes to use (cause she can do it herself). This morning we dressed her in big girl underwear and before we left the house, I told her we had to go potty. She told me to stay in the hallway. She went to the bathroom, closed the door, and wanted to do it all herself. Well, she needed help pulling down the underwear so she finally let me in to help, and then shoo'd me out. She went potty in the little toilet and even picked up the little toilet and dumped the pee into the big toilet. Then I helped her get some TP and we finished the process. What a big girl!!! Surely last night was just a fluke...

Verdict today from Marcie? Alli wet her underwear twice in a 30 minute period! And then she wet a 3rd pair while standing in the garage, and instead of wanting to be changed, she wanted to ride a bike.

We're going back to pull-up diapers for a little while....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I Go Potty Mommy

Lately Alli has been going potty on the toilet more and more. Typically nothing comes out, but I never refuse her when she asks to go.

Yesterday I just sat her on the toilet a few times and 3 times for that day something came out. Hooray!!!

Tonight we were out to dinner and I went to the bathroom. When I came back she said "I go potty mommy" so I turned around and took her into the bathroom. I put her on the toilet and low and behold - she went! I was SOOOO excited!

Gonna go out and buy more pull-ups!!! :D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm Two!!!

Such a big girl. She turned two and had a birthday part at the McCormick-Stillman Train Park. We had lots of friends show up and all the kids (and adults) seemed to have lots of fun.

Our theme was Elmo.

Alli ate her entire cupcake (vanilla, with whipped frosting).

Things she is doing:
- Echoing *everything* we say!
- Talking in sentences
- Pretend play
- Doing puzzles
- Sorting (although I can't tell if it's by color or shape)

And one thing that I'm noticing is if I tell her "5 minutes and then we have to go to bed" or whatever we have to do, it avoids huge fights and tantrums. She just stops what she's doing and says "okay Mommy".

2-year doctor's visit not scheduled yet, so weight/height stats will be coming later, but based on our scale, she is tipping a huge 22 lbs. :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No More Bottles!

Last weekend we took a trip to Houston for my oldest nephew's confirmation. In all the hustle and bustle of packing and trying to get out the door, we left Alli's bottles of milk in the fridge. So, we decided it must be the weekend we break her of bottles. I've suggested a few times in the past that she drink her milk from a cup, but it never has worked - she always chooses to skip milk and I was never ready for her to stop her milk intake. Now however, she's almost 2 and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. So hence the decision to use this mistake as our opportunity to break the bottles.

It was a little struggle in Houston, but she did pretty good. When she asked for milk, I told her she could have it in a cup because we didn't have any bottles. She always chose water instead. Coming home was a different story. I ran into the house before we unloaded her and I hid every bottle we had in the house. When she asked for milk and I told her it had to be in a cup. She started digging through the drawers to find a bottle. It is now the weekend after Houston and she is rarely asking for milk, but she also doesn't raise quite the fuss when I tell her it has to be in a cup, she just moves on to water.

Success!! Now if she'll only start drinking her milk again...

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Best Friend

Ovajita. No doubt. That little lamb goes everywhere with Alli now. We try to keep her at home as much as possible, but sometimes she rides in the car to our destination. Alli feeds her (and then eats the food herself), she helps her color. Tells Ovajita when it's Jita's turn and when it's Alli's turn. It's quite cute, and we are glad to see her imagination start to blossom.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today we decided it was time to heat up the hot tub and go swimming. After all, the hot tub is our "kiddie pool". So we did. And we took Alli in expecting to go over quickly all the things she could do at least year's end and then play. But....that didn't really happen. She didn't like going under water. She didn't like the water in her ears (or her ears hurt - hard to figure out). But every time she went under, she came up and put her hands over her ears. Huh. That was odd. She wouldn't float on her back either. And so she eventually go to the point where she just wanted to sit on the top-most step and splash the water. Well, okay, if that's the way it's gonna be....

Daddy and I kept trying, slowly. But we didn't want to push her. So we stayed in the hot tub for about an hour - throwing the ball for Bagheera who is currently the only one in the family brave enough to face the cold water in the swimming pool. (He's also not allowed in the hot tub, so that probably has something to do with it.) By the end of the hour, Alli was comfortable enough to walk along the entire outter seat of the pool, and even kneel down until her mouth went under water. We figured that was good enough, and we also realized that we had better take her "swimming" every weekend now, and possibly once a month through winter so she doesn't lose so much between seasons.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March is Eventful!

Just wanted to note a couple of things...

Last weekend, we were in the ER for Croup again. Ugh. Alli was fine - no sign of anything and then woke up at 11pm wheezing and coughing. The wheezing was bad so off we went to the ER. It won us a 3.5 hour stay (because they wanted to monitor her until the steroids kicked in). Boy, we knew when that was because she had the wonderful reaction of GETTING ENERGY from them! Yes, a bouncing baby at 4am. Yikes. When we got home, she just wanted to play with all her toys. She finally dozed off at about 6:30am, but then woke up promptly by 8. Needless to say, the whole family was a bit out of sorts the next day. She's doing fine now - a lingering cough but nothing much else.

And today was hectic, not because of Alli, but because of Bagheera. Earlier this morning Alli and I went outside. We were in and out of the house and garage, no biggie. So then I decide we should have a snack and go to the park before I drop her off at Marcie's. So she sits down and eats some oranges and I realize there is no dog. So I go looking for Bagheera and I found he had inadvertently got locked in the garage. Apparently, he decided that this was his golden opportunity to EAT THE DIAPERS IN THE POOP trashcan that we keep in the garage so Alli's room doesn't stink. There were diaper remnants, dirty wipes, and poop smeared all over the garage. I actually started gagging as I was trying to clean it up. Needless to say, we didn't make it to the park.

After I dropped Alli off, I came home and decided the whole house smelled like poop so I bathed the dog, opened all thewindows, and lit a bunch of candles.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shape Sorter

This weekend, Alli was sick with Croup, as well as some allergies (I think). Anyway, we had a lot of indoor play, so she was pulling out toys from her closet that she hasn't seen in a while. One of the toys she pulled out was a Tupperware Shape Sorter. You know the one - it's a ball where half of it is red and half is blue and you pull it apart to get the yellow shapes out of it, and then you have to put them in the right holes to get them back. You remember? We all had them when we were kids... Anyway, she pulled it out and asked for help. So I pulled the halves apart to get the pieces out, and then we put them back together. I would show her the hole for the shape she grabbed and she would put it in. The next day, she saw it on the floor and asked for help again, so I dumped the shapes for her, but I was putting laundry away so I figured I would help her further when I was done. To my surprise, she had 5 shapes already in the ball by the time I returned to her. And now, one day later and only about 2 additional tries at the toy, she can do them all herself except for the trapezoid and the pie shape. For some reason, she can't figure out how to hold the shape to get it in the hole (maybe because these are the only asymmetrical shapes). I was pretty impressed!

Monday, March 8, 2010

February Stuff

I have decided that maybe a recap of the month's events would be a good thing to put on the blog. Let's see if I can keep that going for a while…

So February events for Alli:

We went sledding in Forest Lakes over the weekend of Feb. 12-14. There was a *ton* of snow! We were so excited to take her down the hill, after all, she loves going fast in the wagon and every other thing she does. But the snow gave her a different want. OUT! She wanted nothing to do with the snow. She *hated* it. Don't set her down in it. Don't put her hand near it. Don't make her sit on a sled on it. Ugh. What a bummer. By the end of our two days of snow play, we got her to go down the hill with us a couple of times (about 10 feet of total travel distance each time) and she cried the entire time down every trip! We also made her walk in the snow, which she cried the whole time as well. Maybe next year she will see the fun of playing in snow…

The one thing I've noticed as a big change for her is she's starting to wake up happy. Instead of crying to get us to grab her, she's finally yelling "MOMMY". We enjoy that much better. And every now and then she just stays in her room quietly and we realize she's awake because Bagheera wanders in and we hear her talking to him. :) That is an *extra special* morning.

We have had to learn a lot about discipline lately. She definitely is hitting the 2's and wants her independence. There are choices we don't agree with though and since she doesn't seem to listen to reason (yet), we have to discipline. We do try to tell her why - she's a smart kid, so at some point she's going to understand it.

She plays several different video games on her iPhone (daddy's old phone). "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus", "Hatch", "Peekaboo Barn" and "ABC Animals". But now we don't start the games for her, we just hand her the phone and she knows how to turn it on, get into the interface, and pick the game of her choice. Yikes!!

Alli is also quite the parrot. And now that she's reaching 2, we hear "no" a lot more. It's really cute though. You say something like "Alli, do you want to kiss Bagheera?" And she'll say "No, no kiss Bagheera". It's always "No, no" whatever you said. I've had her say some ridiculous things, so I know she doesn't mean "no", she's just reciting. It does get a little trying though if we are trying to figure out what she wants!

Oh, one other thing that I would love to document. Marcie's youngest is a year older than Alli. His name is Gage. The interaction between the two of them is just adorable. Gage answers the door in the morning when Alli arrives and he is always very excited. Likewise, Alli is always excited to see Gage. It's so cute to watch them talk to each other in the morning. The other day, Alli was at home playing with a phone. Her standard phrase when she plays is "Hello? Hi. Blah, blah, blah. Ok, bye." Clearly my conversations must take that pattern. But then she threw in a new one… "Hello? Hi Gage. Blah, blah, blah. Bye". Awwwww, she's calling Gage!! :D

And as for the toilet thing? Yea, that was a fad. She doesn't even want to sit on the toilet anymore. Oh well. When she's ready...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Big Girl!

I realize posts are few and far between. We're having more fun playing than sitting in front of a computer. Plus things don't change drastically. But here are some updates:

Last week, Alli started a new trick. She started climbing out of her crib. Yikes! Yes, a very daring trick. So far, no injuries. We're not ready to move her into a bed, so we're going to have to deal with this a different way. (And no, I don't want to put a net over the top.) We were going to take the bumpers off, but then I saw her do it. She doesn't use the bumpers at all. She's able to hoist her leg to the top bar, then she pulls herself up so that she is parallel with it, then lets herself go over, holding on tight with her hands and then she drops. Holy crap! Little gymnast!

The next big change we've seen in her is just blurting out things we didn't realize she knew. Like Zebra, Monkey, yellow... And then most of the words to the songs on her kiddie CD. Yes, most of the words. The songs she likes the best right now are the ones with hand motions, like Itsy, Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus. It's just really cute to hear her sing.

And for the hat trick.... going pee-pees on the toilet. Yes, we've had a few successes. Not that we are trying to potty train, we aren't. But every night she wants a bath after dinner, and she runs in there butt naked and I hurry up and whisk her into the bathtub. As soon as the water starts running (and sometimes before) she goes pee. So, I decided I would instead whisk her onto the toilet. And it worked, she went pee-pees in the toilet before her bath. We were both very proud of her. So then today we lost her in the house, and when we found her, she was in a bathroom next to the toilet raising the seat and saying pee-pees. So Daddy helped her get on the toilet and sure enough, she went! So we were praising her about it and she was proud. We'll see what happens and if this progresses. I would think 20 months is still young for potty training, which is why I'm not going to push it. But if she wants to do it herself, I'm all for it!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

With the new year came a little vacation for the family. We went down to Rocky Point with about 11 other families to celebrate. We shared a house with the Wolfert's and their 3 kids. Sydney, the youngest, is 4, so Alli was doing all she could to keep up with the older kids. Well, to our surprise, part way through the trip she gave up sitting in her high chair, gave up drinking from a sippy cup, and started wanting to sit on the toilet (although nothing came out). Yikes! I wasn't really ready for her to be so grown up, but I also wasn't going to argue with it.

When we got home, the trend continued. Tonight was the first sign of it reverting back to normal, which I will gladly accept. It's not that I don't want Alli to grow up, it's just that she still eats with her hands and sitting in a big girl seat tends to be.... very messy as she touches EVERYTHING, including the fabric seat with her sauced hands!!