Monday, October 15, 2007

Babblings of a Pregnant Woman

Well, Kim has asked me to make some posts to the blog, so here goes...

We are into week 9 of the pregnancy. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly. I won't bore everyone with the intricate details of my bodily functions and changes, but in general, I'm still a bit on the tired side but no morning sickness! I've found that eating some fruit first thing in the morning makes my stomach feel the best - so fruit it is!

This weekend was great for me. After being down and out with a head cold the past 2 weeks, I felt great - like I had all my energy back. (Not quite, but so much better than when I was sick.) My good friend Myleen and I went for a run on Saturday morning. Myleen is one of the most thoughtful people I know - while pregnant herself, she never stops giving. She gave me some adorable baby sleeper shirts for the newborn and a couple of magazines. One in particular I am really enjoying is called "As Your Baby Grows" and shows actual photos of the egg, embryo, fetus, etc. through each month of development and also explains the biology of what is taking place. I find that much more fascinating and interesting than a lot of the other material. It also has small sections about what you as a woman are experiencing. Obviously, not as in depth in that area, but still quite good. It highlights all the main points quite concisely.

Kim and I were also able to go to the gym for the first time in about 3-4 weeks. We rode the stationary bikes for 30 minutes and then used the dumbbells a bit. (You know, gotta motivate him so he doesn't gain the sympathy weight!)

I also started cleaning out one of the spare bedrooms, starting with the closet. I feel we have a lot of work to do around the house - cleaning out clutter from two rooms just to fit a little, tiny baby. Whew! But I suppose it's a good excuse to get rid of some junk. :)

Saturday night we were able to spend with the Kingery's and the Pennell's. Very exciting indeed since Angel was being induced the next day for their (nameless) baby girl!!! It was a wonderful night and I finally got to participate in kid/baby discussions!!! Yay!!! :) Thanks again to Mike and Gina for hosting as well as grilling!

I think I'll stop here. Something tells me Kim's gonna have me put lots of entries in here, so I better save some good stuff for later!

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