Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Save My Back!

Well, I thought Peanut and I had an appointment today, but apparently when we scheduled our "every other week appointments", the girl didn't count right, so Peanut will be checked out next week. I decided to take the opportunity to go see another "doctor". I call him my own personal miracle worker. His name is Noel and Kim found him a few years ago. He's about the only person that seems to be able get my hips inline to relieve pain.

So today I went to see Noel. He said my hips were badly out of whack (which I assumed since I had such bad pains lately in my tail bone area.) My arsenal of tricks to realign my hips myself have been failing, and getting out of the floor positions apparently makes me look like an 80 year old woman that fell and is trying to get back up. (Graphical description courtesy of my husband!)

Noel worked on me for about an hour. He did what he could, but you know, there's a baby in the way so he can't exactly get to all the muscles he wants. He said he's hoping the hips will stay put, but at this point in the pregnancy there is no guarantee. Tonight I am finally home from work and icing my back. I'm hoping everything stays somewhat straight, but I have the feeling I'll be visiting Noel in another couple of weeks. We'll see. All I know is that I now look more like a 50 year old woman getting up after falling! :)

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