Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alli's First Camping Trip

Kim and I decided to take Alli camping. Yes, she's only 3 months, but camping is such a fun family activity. So, we packed up the car and headed up north Friday afternoon to camp with a family from work. Alli faced many challenges on this trip: a 3-1/2 hour car ride (it was really 3 hours, but we had to stop to nurse), sleeping in a tent in 50 degree weather, and smoke from a campfire. She handled it all like a champ.

The ride there and back was easy for her, although both directions there was a small breakdown and some crying about 20 minutes from our destination. Weird that it was at about the same time in the trip both directions.

For sleeping, we had her in a Pac-n-Play beside our mattress inside the tent. We had her bundled in SOOO many layers, including having a Boppy pillow around her head to add extra warmth.

But Bagheera... We showed up later than we wanted to on Friday and had to set the tent up in the dark. Pam took Alli so we didn't have to worry about her, and Bagheera just went exploring and getting into "stuff". Well, whatever he got into didn't agree with him. We went to bed around 10pm and that's when the problems started. Bagheera started puking. At first we were upset because we knew it was because of something he had eaten while he was exploring. But then we realized just how sick he was - he threw up every 15-20 minutes all night long. At about 3am, he started going more like 45 minutes between episodes, but still going. He threw up inside the tent 3 times because we couldn't get it open in time. After one of those "inside the tent" times, we heard an animal outside and we didn't want to send him out there (skunk? raccoon?) So we took some travel pads that I had packed for Alli and laid them at the door of the tent and just had him keep throwing up on those. Ugh. Luckily everything was well ventilated. Kim and I basically didn't sleep at all. Alli woke up at 6:30, right on time. Bagheera was still having problems.

Bagheera started feeling better by early afternoon, but still not quite all the way there. His last episode was in the car on the way home, but it was mostly food. (We had started him on bread and water to see if he could keep anything down and slowly built up to hoping his food would stay...)

So the trip in general....trying... Alli? Total camper extraordinaire!


Ellen said...

Poor Baggie! I hope he's better. Sounds like Alli did great!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a true adventure - hopefully next time will be better for the whole family!