Saturday, November 22, 2008

Alli's Sounds

Alli has become quite vocal over the last couple of weeks. It's interesting to hear some of the sounds she makes. Lots of coos and light sounds, like you would expect. We hear those mostly when she is "talking" to her friends which hang on the activity mat. But then sometimes her tone changes with her friends. She has this one sound that is accompanied by a funny face. It usually lasts a long time, like she's holding a note. But this is a more gutteral sound. Hard to explain (obviously). But, we have finally come up with a name for it. It's Alli-zilla!

She has also developed quite an interesting laugh. I swear it just started this past week, but hasn't gone away. It's a deep laugh, but instead of a deep ha ha ha, we get something more staccato, and sounds like she's upset. But then you go look at her face and there's this giant smile with tongue sticking out and you realize she's enjoying whatever it is quite a bit.

I've found that this laugh comes out easily when Bagheera is around. Boy does she just adore that dog! The other day we got home from work and Bagheera was wound up. We were in Alli's room and I was encouraging Bagheera to be excited, meanwhile holding Alli facing out so she could watch him run around the room. She thought it was just great, with her staccato laugh and tongue sticking out. She even got a kick out of getting whacked in the face with the tail. Who knew that would be fun!

1 comment:

sixwinks said...

She is going to love having all of this journaling when she is older! Keep up the great words!