Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Big Girl!

I realize posts are few and far between. We're having more fun playing than sitting in front of a computer. Plus things don't change drastically. But here are some updates:

Last week, Alli started a new trick. She started climbing out of her crib. Yikes! Yes, a very daring trick. So far, no injuries. We're not ready to move her into a bed, so we're going to have to deal with this a different way. (And no, I don't want to put a net over the top.) We were going to take the bumpers off, but then I saw her do it. She doesn't use the bumpers at all. She's able to hoist her leg to the top bar, then she pulls herself up so that she is parallel with it, then lets herself go over, holding on tight with her hands and then she drops. Holy crap! Little gymnast!

The next big change we've seen in her is just blurting out things we didn't realize she knew. Like Zebra, Monkey, yellow... And then most of the words to the songs on her kiddie CD. Yes, most of the words. The songs she likes the best right now are the ones with hand motions, like Itsy, Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus. It's just really cute to hear her sing.

And for the hat trick.... going pee-pees on the toilet. Yes, we've had a few successes. Not that we are trying to potty train, we aren't. But every night she wants a bath after dinner, and she runs in there butt naked and I hurry up and whisk her into the bathtub. As soon as the water starts running (and sometimes before) she goes pee. So, I decided I would instead whisk her onto the toilet. And it worked, she went pee-pees in the toilet before her bath. We were both very proud of her. So then today we lost her in the house, and when we found her, she was in a bathroom next to the toilet raising the seat and saying pee-pees. So Daddy helped her get on the toilet and sure enough, she went! So we were praising her about it and she was proud. We'll see what happens and if this progresses. I would think 20 months is still young for potty training, which is why I'm not going to push it. But if she wants to do it herself, I'm all for it!


Moke, Mom and Dad - The Lightburne Family said...

I'm sure you'll hear a ton of suggestions, but here's what we did with Kendra when she started climbing out. Lower the mattress as low as it'll go, then take the side rail off. Kinda like a day bed. Kendra was very adventurous, and stayed in her bed when she was supposed to, but was able to get out when she was 'allowed'. As for pee pees...let her do it - she thinks she's ready. Tell me to mind my own business...

Jonathan said...

If Allie is going to try to escape anyway, you might want to get some angle brackets and screw the crib to the wall so that it doesn't tip over while she vaults over the side.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! Next thing you know, she'll be tip-toeing into your room at midnight!! "Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!"

What a big girl, to "get it" about the pee pee business.She is definitely a quick study..and will have to be watched! Take it from a Mom who had an early starter---they believe they can cook and drive when they're four!! Love ya, Nana

Grammy Jane said...

I agree I don't think you're going to be able to hold this girl back. She's learning a lot from other kids and after all she has two very smart parents.