Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year, Alli started understanding Halloween a little better. She dressed up in her little kitty cat costume and I tried to explain trick-or-treating to her. We had our candy bowl, and I told her to say "trick-or-treat" and then I gave her some candy. All was looking promising.

We went to the first house and we knocked on the door. I told her when the person answered she should yell "trick-or-treat". She did - without any prompting. We were quite impressed. Then she handed the lady the candy from her own bag. We laughed. It's nice that she was ready to give!! :) The 3 of us helped her with the candy and then we went walking to the next house.

This house however had lots of people sitting outside, and Kim and I knew the parents. With all the commotion, Alli got shy. So up in my arms she went and wouldn't say a word. Unfortunately, she never got over it. So we hit 4-5 houses total and then just went back home. She was much more talkative there - hanging out with us and the neighbors out front with a fire in the pit beside the driveway.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

It was nice that Alli made the effort. A lot of the (older) kids that came to our door didn't even say "Trick-or-Treat." They just held out their bags expectantly. But, fearing it was a trick, I gave them candy anyway...