Monday, December 6, 2010

How the Big Girl Bed has Changed our Sleeping

So everyone assumes that transitioning a child from the crib to something else makes bedtime more of a hassle since they can get out of the new bed so easily. Well, that's not really the case for our family.

Alli has done a *great* job of staying in bed she goes to sleep at night. We rarely have a problem. But.... she gets out of bed when she wakes up in the morning - no matter how early. She doesn't come into our room, instead she stands in the hallway just outside her room and lets out a little cry. It doesn't matter if we tell her she can come into our room, she just stands there. So, daddy usually climbs out of bed and brings her to our bed so we can get just that extra 15-20 minutes of snoozing in.

But lately it has gotten a little worse. Now she's waking up in the middle of the night, like 2:30am and standing in the hall and letting out her little cry. We usually don't bring her to our bed if we have hours of sleep left, so one of us, usually me, takes her back to bed and if necessary, lays with her until after she falls asleep. But this has also progressed to just going to bed with her in her twin-sized bed (hence the reason it's usually me.) While it's adorable to roll over and see this beautiful little girl sound asleep, it's also, well, not such a good night sleep. When she changes position, an arm usually goes out to make sure I'm still there. Stinker! :D

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