Saturday, April 14, 2012

Big Surprise, Coming this Fall!

Yay!  Alli is going to be a big sister!  Baby Guerrette is due October 9.  The whole family is excited about the new addition.


And for fun, I'll share some great quotes from Alli.


At week 9, before we would tell anyone...

Alli:  "Mommy, why is your belly getting so big?"

Mommy:  "I think it was something I ate."

Alli:  "I don't think so.  I think there's a baby in your belly."

??  How could she tell!?!?!


When we told her about the baby...

Mommy:  "Alli, you're going to be a big sister."

Alli: "Oh!  I've always wanted a big sister!"  ;)


One morning while getting ready for school/work...

Alli:  "Mommy, can the baby see?"

Mommy:  "No, its eyes are closed and its dark anyway."

Alli:  "Why is it dark?"

Mommy:  "Because there are no lights in Mommy's belly."

Alli:  "Maybe we can poke some holes so the light will get in."  ;)


One morning while Mommy and Alli were showering together...

Alli:  "Mommy, your butt's getting bigger too."

Mommy:  "Gee, thanks...."



And every day for an entire week after we told her...

Alli:  "I can't believe there's a baby in your belly!"

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