Friday, July 27, 2012

Sibling Love

At my last Ob visit, Dr. Plimpton had asked me if the baby responded to Kim's voice.  I told him no, but that the baby seemed to respond to Alli's voice.  In the days that followed, I was rethinking that answer, wondering if the baby really was responding to Alli's voice.  But this morning I decided I was 100% correct in the answer.

We are on a little stay-cation.  Well, we're considering Tucson close enough to home to call it a stay-cation, although if you ask Alli, the drive was very long.  :)  So we are at a beautiful resort in Tucson, cashing in on their summer specials, using their many awesome pools, and of course paying exorbitant amounts of money for food and alcohol.  This morning Alli woke up early as usual, but being that we are all in one room, we couldn't send her out to watch TV, so we tried to have her play on the iPad quietly while we continued to sleep.  Well, that lasted about 10 minutes and then it was melt-down city.  The discipline from daddy and crying from Alli ensued, and meanwhile, the baby got extremely agitated and I was just getting kicked like all get-out.  The baby was so upset for the entire duration that Alli cried, and so I've decided that this baby just genuinely loves his/her sister and was very upset by Alli's crying - reacting to her more than any voice the baby hears.  Awww....  I hope the two really enjoy each other!

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