Friday, April 19, 2013

Natalie's "official" 6 Month Checkup

Ok, you ready for these stats??

Height:  27 inches (84th percentile)
Weight:  17.7 lbs (69th percentile)
Head:  41-1/2 cm (18th percentile)

Minus the slight hiccup in starting solids with the rice cereal, she is doing very well with vegetables and fruit.  We are going through slowly though to make sure of allergies.  The pediatrician said there are lots of babies that react to the rice cereal, and they usually recommend going to oat or wheat.  I think we'll wait on that, as long as she doesn't get too thin without grains.

In another week, after we've gone through allergy trials with more foods, we will start feeding solids 2x per day.  I think she's ready now, but I want to make sure to get through some more food selections.

Her appetite (or teething, not sure which) is increasing.  She hasn't been sleeping through the night, and when she wakes up, the pacifier doesn't do it - only mommy's milk.  So I'm guessing she's hungry, but it could be a comfort thing.  Who knows.  All I know is I'm *really* tired!!  :)

Also, her two bottom teeth have poked through and now her eye teeth are coming.  We soon will have a little vampire on our hands!  Mooahahaha

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