Monday, August 5, 2013

The Kindergartner and the 10-Month Old

Today was the first day of Kindergarten in Fountain Hills.  Alli announced that she wanted to be early for school every day, so of course, both kids slept in later than they have in 3 months!  The morning was a rush, but we got lunches made, breakfasts eaten, teeth brushed and still had time to snap a few pictures of our big kindergartner!  I don't think Alli was nervous because she's in the same school that she's been in for 2 years of preschool.  When we got there, we saw lots of friends (kids and parents alike) and teachers that we knew.  We are hoping she has a great time and learns a lot this year!

And wouldn't you know, the same day Alli starts Kindergarten, Natalie turns 10 months old!!  She has been crawling for 3 weeks, but that clearly wasn't her goal.  Lately she's been pulling herself up to standing on anything and everything, and trying to venture out now to take some steps (holding a hand of course).  I think she'll be walking very soon.  She is also teething again, but I can't tell which tooth.  She has 7, so maybe it's the match for the one bottom tooth that came in, or maybe it's the molars.  Either way, she's drool baby again!

Our Kindergartner:

Our 10 Month Old:

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