Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ow! My Aching Ribs!

Over the Christmas break, we were all pretty sick.  My plans for the break quickly went out the door, and TV, couch time, bed time, and lots of nasal rinses occurred.  There was also alot of coughing, especially for me who would cough so hard my stomach and side muscles would hurt.  Once I started feeling better, I decided to jump straight into work-outs with Kim (since I hadn't been been able to run).  Well, apparently working out and coughing had some side effects.  I wound up with strained muscles in my back, right under my shoulder blade.  I tried ice, relaxing, etc.  After 2 weeks, I gave up and called my Myopractics guy (he's the best healer I have!)  As he was working on me, he said that coughing sometimes can move a rib and you feel the pain at the connection points.  I felt pain all over, but apparently that was because my hips had moved into a very funky position - my left hip was tilted backwards, my right hip was tilted forward.  So he worked on those first (as he always does).  And then he worked up my back trying to loosen the muscles.  He said there was a lot of inflammation.  Once the hips and the back muscles were better, he worked through other parts - the attachment points around the ribs, my diaphragm muscles, etc.  While working through all those, he found that I probably fractured (or ripped or tore whatever the term may be) some cartilage by my sternum.  He said that's not uncommon and it will heal.

So, I walked away, still in pain (because apparently when it comes to ribs, the pain doesn't go away for a couple of days), and with the knowledge that I coughed myself into a broken rib (sorta).  Is this a sign of old age?  This is horrible!!  We'll see how well I heal.  I may have to go back for another visit, but we'll see come Monday.

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