Sunday, October 19, 2008

But There Are No Teeth!

Over the last week or so, we've noticed that Alli likes chewing on things, including her fingers. Teething? No, couldn't be. Can't see any signs of teeth. Well, I'm starting to wonder a little more about that. This weekend I watched my daughter change. One day, normal Alli. The next day, couldn't go down for naps although she tried all her normal techniques for putting herself to sleep, fell asleep while nursing (mostly because she didn't nap), drool galore, and snot all over the place. Yuck!!! I still don't see any white little spots on her gums, but boy if this doesn't seem like teething. In general, she's still happy. But with the lack of sleep she's a bit more needy at times during the day. She doesn't chew *all* the time, but she definitely has her times where everything goes into the mouth. And today besides a lot of runny nose, we got lots of poopy diapers. It seemed like every time I went to change her there was some more poop. So, stay tuned. I doubt we're going to see any pearly whites, but something is growing inside those gums!

1 comment:

Moke, Mom and Dad - The Lightburne Family said...

My girls didn't poop right before so much, but their little 'cheeks' were bright red! Then we got two teeth at a time - pop pop - none ther at bedtime - two there in the morning. Sounds like there're be little pearls in there in no time! BTW - Morgan turns 14 this week!