Sunday, October 12, 2008

Splish Splash I was Takin' a Bath

I've been asked numerous times if Alli likes taking a bath. My only response is "well, she doesn't hate it". When we bathe her, she doesn't seem "happy", but she isn't upset either. I've tried to kick her legs to let her see the water splashing, and same with her hands. Still no real reaction, so we just go about bathing her and getting her out of there.

This weekend we finally saw some interest. Legs kicking the water. More like a "hey, what is this stuff anyone" sort of kick as opposed to the "wahoo, this is really cool as I make a total mess!" So, it's a start. She has also taken interest in hold on to the pitcher as I pour water over her. Either she's very helpful or very inquisitive. I'm guessing inquisitive right now, but I thank her anyway. :)

On a different note, Alli has started making a new sound. Mmmmmmmm. I like it cause I'm waiting for the "mmmmaaammmaaa". :) I think I heard it once, but it could be just wishful thinking. :)

Alli's peach fuzz is getting longer. It just started growing this past week. I hope it continues - it would be so cute for her to have some hair. We'll see. For all I know it will grow and fall out and she will be a bald baby for a couple of years!

I think I posted before that Alli likes trees blowing in the wind. Well yesterday we were at a friends house and it was a windy day. They had huge sycamore trees in their backyard and Alli just stared and laughed at them. I swear we could have been there for hours, but I was cold and she was heavy. We went outside a few times though to watch the trees. Now I am trying to figure out where in the yard we can put a sycamore!

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