Friday, May 1, 2009

Dancing Queen

Alli has started a new thing - dancing. It's so cute. It started the other night when she was playing with some ducks that are on one of her shelves in her bedroom. One of the duck-items is a music box that plays "Singing in the Rain". So I wound it up for her enjoyment. To my surprise, instead of trying to grab at it, she stood there next to the shelf and started to dance. (Ok, dancing for a 1-year old is sorta like a little bobbing and sometimes swaying.) But it was very cute. And to my surprise, she followed the beat very well. (I would love to take credit for that, but I'm not sure I can. I have danced with her ever since she was born!)

She's now dancing to lots of her toys that make music. It's quite cute and the whole family gets involved. I'm pretty sure singing is next on her list of accomplishments. No really! She's already trying to repeat the sounds she hears from us, and when I sing to her she usually babbles with me (or back to me).

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