Monday, May 11, 2009

Yikes! Sugar!!

This past weekend Alli's Grandpa and Nana were visiting and so we had a little birthday celebration. We decided to do cupcakes as a dessert after dinner last night (Sunday). I didn't think it would be too bad, I mean, when we celebrated her birthday while down in Mexico, none of the cupcake ever came close to her mouth. But this time things were different. She's self-feeding now and so it DID go into her mouth. Alli took her icing covered fists and shoved them into her mouth, slowly, diligently, like she was really thinking about this new taste. It was fun to watch and Mommy was quite happy that she was such a neat eater. :)

About an hour later, it was bedtime. She was rubbing her eyes so I didn't think we would have much of a problem, despite the sugar. Uh - wrong Mom!!! She nursed on one side and almost fell asleep. We switched sides and slowly as she was nursing I noticed instead of falling more asleep, her eyes opened. Then she was up. Then she was *really* up and doing flips in my lap trying to lay down to do to sleep. Flip, sigh, flip, twist - yikes! I decided to take her out to the living room and maybe lay on the couch with me, thinking more room will help with her comfort. Nope. She was completely bouncing off of everything.

One thing that I've noticed about Alli when she plays is that it looks like she's really thinking - maybe thinking of what else she can do with the toy, or really observing it. Who knows. But she is thoughtful when she plays. This? This sugar-high baby? No such thing. She literally was bouncing. No thought. Almost out of control as her body was going much faster than her brain and she was flopping all over. This lasted for 2-1/2 hours.

Kim and I looked at each other in horror and said "NO MORE SUGAR - EVER!!!" We are sure it is evil as our daughter was clearly possessed.

1 comment:

A. Jolly said...

Happy Birthday Allison from the Cali Jollys. Your parents are doing a wonderful should be very proud! Hugs to All!