Monday, June 8, 2009

Little Piggie

Alli's appetite has really increased. She eats everything we eat, and lots of it! Last night I filled a plate for her - meatloaf, peas, corn, carrots. She finished everything and then "signed" for "more". (Her signing for "more" pretty much looks like clapping.) I thought for sure she was just playing, so I just put a couple of crackers in front of her. She ate them. Then she signed for more again. I put a couple more crackers. Gone. And then she wanted even more. So I grabbed a banana, knowing I would be eating most of it. Nope - she ate over half of it! I was pretty impressed.

Tonight's menu? Chicken tortellini with marina sauce and zucchini. She did very well with her plate full of food.

And yet the doctor said she doesn't weigh enough. Clearly not from lack of appetite!!!


Grammy Jane said...

You must not have any leftovers with Alli around! It's amazing to think she eats all that.

A. Jolly said...

Walking takes lots of calories that or a major growth spurt on the horizon. We believe Alec is in a lull as he is hardly eating...weird for a child of mine.