Sunday, June 21, 2009

More Crackers!

Well, I think the days of my non-fussy eater are over. Alli has learned that if she doesn't want something, she can just use her tongue to push it out of her mouth. Now that seems to be happening more and more often. I refuse to cook her separate meals, so she either has to eat baby food or what we are eating. The only couple of times that I've resorted to cooking something special is when we ordered carry-out Mexican and Kim forgot and ordered "hot" enchiladas. We didn't really have anything that she would eat, so I cooked some pasta. Of course then she spit all that out and only wanted crackers. Ugh. So, she had to choke down some baby food veggies first, and then get full on crackers. Yikes! It's going to be interesting.

Not only has she figured out "no" for food, but also temper tantrums for anything else. I don't know how many times she's hit her head on the tile floor because she decides to protest by laying down and throwing her head back. I figure one of these days she's going to learn not to do that. I'm so glad little kids are made of rubber!

1 comment:

Grammy Jane said...

Whoa she's too funny trying all these little tricks! Mom & Dad are just too smart for Alli.