Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Month Checkup

Natalie's one month well-child checkup was yesterday.  She passed with flying colors.  Here are her stats:

Height:  22 inches (about 75th percentile from what I can tell on the CDC charts)
Weight:  9.88 lbs (again about 75th percentile)

Yes, she is quite a big baby!  Must take after Kim and not me!!  :D

He skin is beautiful, eyes are focusing farther away than they were expecting, and doctor was impressed that we put her on the activity mat and she could actually hit some of the animals (although it might be just a fluke as she swings her arms around!)

I also mentioned that I am keeping a food log to try to figure out what I'm eating that makes her projectile puke, or gives her such cramps when bowel movements move.  I hate when she wakes up from a dead sleep just because she has to poop!  So far, I've eliminated the coffee theory - THANK GOD!  So, coffee is still in my diet.  But it does look like nut-butters are out.  Potentially nuts, but she doesn't seem to react as much from a handful of nuts as she does from a sandwich with peanut butter or almond butter.  Figure *that* one out!

There are other foods as well that are bothering her, but I haven't figured them out.  Dairy for sure, and while I tend not to eat much dairy, it does seem that the little I do might affect her.  And maybe beans, but I'm still exploring that theory.

Natalie is a really good baby.  She doesn't really cry much.  I'm getting to know her squeaks and grunts and can usually give her what she wants before she resorts to the all-out cry.   Yay!  And she's getting used to me as well.  She also knows that when I'm holding her, she does *not* prefer the pacifier - she would rather have the good stuff!!!!  (But sometimes she relents and takes the pacifier from me.)

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