Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cluster Feeding

Ah cluster feeding.  I had totally forgotten about cluster feeding until I went back and looked at some of my blog posts from Alli.  Cluster feeding is going less then three hours, usually right before the long night time sleep (or early in the morning right after to catch up).  Natalie is a sleeper!  In fact, it seems like she would rather sleep than eat, but I knew that going down to 7 feedings a day wasn't what I was supposed to do.  And then I read my post from Alli about how she was sleeping longer and cluster feeding in the morning.  Ah ha!

So last night, Natalie stayed awake after her feeding at 6:30pm.  By 8:00, she was beside herself - crying because she couldn't quite get to sleep, but was exhausted.  So, I fed her.  And guess what!!  She slept from about 8pm to 1am!!  Yes, 5 hours!  Woo hoo!  And then after a 4am feeding, she woke up 2 hours later, and then 2 hours after that - more cluster feeding.  So after her 8am feeding, we are back to every 3 hours through the day.  Magic!  We are finally developing a system that keeps her from crying for food and me from running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make 2 girls happy!

We now feed right before drop-off of school, and right before pick-up of school (if I can help it), and it makes the car travel less, well, stressful.  No newborn crying hysterically anymore!

But yes, she still will cry trying to fall asleep in her carseat.  But Alli has taken on her big sister responsibilities to heart.  If Natalie cries, Alli will say "quick Mom - ABCs!"  I put on the song in the car and Alli sings (only Alli - I get in trouble if I sing) and Natalie quickly calms down.  It's pretty cute. And Alli will sing while buckling herself in her carseat, arranging her animals...  Whatever it takes.  She's on it!  But I must say, Natalie calms down much quicker with a full belly.  :)

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