Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No More Freezer Room

I've been worried about how much milk Natalie might consume, given her above-average size.  So I've been getting up in the middle of the night to pump to make sure I have enough milk stored.  I've also been making sure I eat TONS of calories to make sure my body has energy to produce the milk.  Now I'm scratching my head because it doesn't seem (date-wise) that I'm that far ahead on my milk storage, but looking at the freezer, I'm not really sure I'm going to make my middle-of-the-night pumping sessions through 6 months.  We are really running out of freezer space, unless I start getting rid of the people-food!

The drawer below the peas has 2 rows of milk.  We have milk stored with our ice cream and such the next row up, and milk laid out to freeze the row above that.  The outside freezer has 2 huge rows of milk.  The rest of the outside freezer is full of food.  Maybe we need to make more shelves!  haha

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