Monday, February 25, 2013

Wii Teething!

No, it's not a new Wii game, but I have two very separate topics to blog about, so what do you do for a title?  Make up something that sounds like a Wii game I think!

Kim got a hand-me-down Wii system from a friend at work.  We've been waiting to break it out, and this weekend (being cold and windy), we decided was a perfect time.  So Kim introduced Alli to Wii bowling.  The girl was an ace!

Here's a cute picture of her bowling.

And yes, she is in her dress-up-Barbie dress.  You name the hour of the day, she is probably in that or her Pajamas!

As for Natalie, well, she always has been a drooly baby.  But this is getting ridiculous.  She just soaks her shirts, all the way down to her belly button.  She goes through 3 shirts a day because of drool.  My guess?  Teething.  I swear I see a little white nub on her bottom gum, but I've been thinking that for a while.  I don't feel anything yet.  I don't mind those teeth staying inside the gums for quite a while longer!  She already looks much older than she is because of her size - she doesn't need teeth too!!

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