Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5 Month Checkup - Teeth - Toes - Oh My!

I can't believe Natalie is already 5 months old.  Wasn't she just born yesterday??  :)

She's still a very happy baby, despite the fact that she is definitely teething!  One of the top teeth broke through the gum just a bit, but pretty high up.  We aren't sure what that's about - we'll be keeping an eye on it.  But the only symptom we see from her for all that teething is lots and lots of drool.

Today when changing her diaper I noticed she found her toes.  She was hanging on them for dear life!  Even tried to get her toes in her mouth.  (Everything goes in her mouth.)  And she almost made it!  Crazy girl!!

To honor her 5 months, we decided to weigh her.  16-1/2 lbs!  Way to go Nat!  I am absolutely amazed by her growth, especially since she really doesn't eat that much.  She only takes 4-5 nursings a day, and at that only about 5 oz at a time.  That just doesn't seem like very much.

Alli still gets great smiles from her, especially when she says goodbye to her in the mornings before school.  One of these days, I will video that encounter, cause it's WAY cute!!

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