Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hunger Strike

So Natalie started solids, and is doing quite well.  We haven't gone back to try rice cereal again, but all fruits and vegetables seem to be doing well.  The problem we are now facing is that she loves eating solids so much she has cut way down on her milk.  Like in half.  And you know she isn't getting *that* many calories from the couple of tablespoons of pureed food she is taking in!  So, we are getting a little skinnier.  And there are days that I "hunger strike" back at her by not allowing her to get any solids, which forces her to drink her milk.  I mean really!  Does she *really* think she's in control of this situation!?!?  ;)  Actually, I have only done that twice, and only because she wasn't producing much pee.

Now we have adjusted her milk bottles and are trying to stick to a strict eating schedule so she knows which times have lots of milk followed by no solids, and which times she can have just a little milk followed by solids.  We'll see if that makes things more consistent.  All I can say is, our freezer (and my b00bs) will not allow her to reduce her milk intake that quickly!!!  (More to come on that later.)

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