Friday, July 26, 2013

Natalie's 9 Month Checkup

I'm a bit late in posting this, mostly because we had the checkup and then left for a camping trip soon after.  And since the camping trip came with a lot of rain, we then spent a few days cleaning everything up from all the mud.  :)

So, Natalie is very healthy.  She now has 7 teeth (yes, we are waiting for the other pair to come in for the odd-ball bottom one.)

Her stats are:

Height:  29" (88%)
Weight:  18.13 lbs (41%)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (46%)

She is crawling all over the place, which is fun.  She is trying to communicate, but she uses her own language and doesn't really seem to be picking up ours.  Baby sign language is escaping her at the moment.  There is no "more" and "all-done" seems to be waiving both hands in the air.  It's actually quite cute.  We believe "mmma" is milk and "ma-ma" does seem to come out once in a while, in appropriate context, so that might be a word as well.  Natalie is a music/sound person for sure.  Any song (or jingle) that comes on and she is dancing.  It's sooo cute!  And her taste in music is pretty much anything!  Rap, rock, soft rock, classical, mommy singing...

We just lowered her crib due to the fact that she is pulling herself up to at least her knees, and because she is so tall, we are afraid she will actually make it over.  So safety first!

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