Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Great Communicator

Ever since we started Natalie on solids, we've been using some sign language.  "more", "all done", and "milk" are my big 3.  We sorta gave up on signing "milk" when she started verbalizing it with "mmmma", but the others we use all the time at the table.

Natalie has apparently decided she doesn't like any of our signs, so she has created one and only one sign.  It's similar to "all done", but she has chosen to put both hands above her head and start waiving them.  At the dinner table, we have found this can mean "more" OR "all done", and when sitting on the floor this means "up".  I'm not sure I know how to break her of this mi-communication, mostly because it works.  She waives her hands, and we all respond.

The challenging part is when we are eating.  We don't know if she wants more or if she's all done, so we take a guess.  If we guess wrong, we get a bunch of high pitched screeching and more hand waiving.  :)

It will be interesting to see if the great communicator will learn our language anytime soon!

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