Sunday, February 15, 2009

9 Month Checkup

Yesterday was Alli's 9 month checkup. She's doing well. So here are her stats:

Eyes: Yep, still blue.
Weight: 16.7 lbs (15th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (31st percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (27th percentile)

She's lost her momentum in the weight gain area, and dropped slightly on the height. But boy has her head taken off! ;) We think part of the slowing of the weight gain is her recent mobility. We're sure it takes a lot more energy to roll and scoot all over the place, which means we'll be adding solids for breakfast (after our ski trip next weekend).

So here are some sweet Valentine's Day (and 9 month) pictures of Alli. No, we didn't put her here - she rolled and scooted to get in the hallway.


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love that smile. She is a true bundle of joy

Anonymous said...

Nana just wants to grab her and squeeze! 9 mos. is definitely adorable!! But--look out! She'll be everywhere into things!

sixwinks said...

She is precious! Love her smile! I love the bath pics too!