Friday, February 27, 2009

Croup Update

Alli is doing pretty well. And why shouldn't she - she got an epinephrine enhaler treatment last night because she was having difficulty breathing, and also a steroid shot to help keep the airways from swelling too badly. The thing I'm most worried about now is the fact that she keeps puking and is becoming a little dehydrated. (Last night the first steroid was a liquid, but that came up in about 2 minutes - all over mommy.) I will be nursing her often today, although so far she hasn't been eating as much and small amounts are still coming up. Her poop this morning indicated some dehydration. I will be counting diaper changes today to see how the hydration is looking.

Apparently the virus runs its course in 5 days, so the bulk of the problems should be over the weekend. Looking forward to getting "happy Alli" back. Right now she's just uncomfortable...

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Oh no!! :( I'm so sorry to hear she's sick. Hope she's better very soon.