Saturday, February 28, 2009

Croup Update #2

Alli had a good day today. She's having problems sleeping (naps as well as night), so I've taken the Boppy and propped her up in her crib to help with the drainage as she sleeps. I did it last night after the 3rd time getting up with her. I put her to bed that way tonight, so we'll see.

She's still spitting up quite a bit and has lots of drainage running out her nose. Some of that I think may be from teething. Hydration looked pretty good today, although appetite is down a little (probably because she's having a hard time breathing through her nose). I used the aspirator tonight before bed to get some extra mucus out. Hopefully it will help.

She did do a new trick today... She wasn't happy about going down for a nap, so she cried for a while. I came in after about 5-10 minutes and saw a face staring at me with hands hanging on the side of the crib. No, she didn't pull up, but she did get to a sitting position and was hanging on waiting to see if we would come in. It just made me realize that it won't be long before she *is* pulling herself up and we'll have to lower the crib mattress. My gosh do they grow fast!!

1 comment:

Grammy Jane said...

Glad to hear Miss Alli's feeling better. :)