Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've Been Waiting For This Day!

Alli is really good at taking things "out". If it's in a basket, she will take it out of the basket. If it is in the laundry, she will take it out of the laundry. The last week or so, she has been "sorting" her toys. First she puts them all in a pile over here, then she picks them up one at a time and puts them in a pile over there, and then over here again, and then over there again. But now the last couple of days, one of those "piles" was back INSIDE the basket where it originated. :D So excited. Can I get her to put her toys away now? Maybe not. And I notice that when she's done playing, the toys are never in the pile INSIDE the basket, they are always on the floor. But it's a start!!! :)

Other than that, Alli is still crawling all over and exploring every room in the house. She also prefers walking if we are around. We have to hold her hands, arms, or body for her to balance and she still walks on her tippie toes, but she likes it - big smiles all the time as she walks around the house like that. No cruising on the furniture yet...

We also broke down this weekend and paid some real money for some shoes for Alli. I had ordered some shoes online before our ski trip, and they fit, but they always came off easily. Now that she's crawling (and turning the tops of her socks black), we decided a good pair of shoes (that really fit) would be in order. Marcie, who watches Alli during the week, suggested Stride Rite because they have some really good shoes that stay on. So we went. Well, we didn't get to purchase the shoes that Marcie suggested. Why? Because Stride Rite doesn't make "narrow" shoes, and Alli's feet are so narrow that none of the velcro shoes will stay on her feet. (No wonder I kept having problems!) So they said she would have to go into a shoe that tied. Bummer, but that's okay. She got measured (hated it) and then the lady came out with some cute shoes. Kim had asked about how quickly Alli's feet will grow and when she might grow out of them. The lady sorta laughed at him and said apparently her feet weren't growing too quickly. Her shoe size was closer to a 6 month old than a 10 month old. Oh boy. She's going to have my feet. Not that that's bad, but I remember only having one pair of shoes ALL the time because we had to get them from Hush Puppies - the only brand that made narrow shoes. And they were expensive. So only one pair ever and then we would go back and get that pair again when I outgrew them. Looks like we're in for a similar treat with Alli.


Moke, Mom and Dad - The Lightburne Family said...

And if they're the tie kind, get the barrels with bells - not only will you hear her where ever she is, they don't come untied!

Grammy Jane said...

Can't believe they're still using those after 33 years. I used to put those on Kim. :)