Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Over The Hump

Yesterday I stayed home from work to take care of Alli. The poor thing had had an awful night. She didn't sleep more than about an hour at a time, and just wanted to be held the whole time. Needless to say, mom here had a difficult night as well trying to accommodate. When we finally were up in the morning, I sat her down in the living room with her toys like we do every morning. Instead of grabbing at things, playing, exploring, etc., she just sat there and stared into space. Wow. Not my typical little girl. She didn't cry, she just sat. She also wound up with diarrhea, so I was nursing her often to make sure she had plenty of liquids. She wasn't eating her solid food either.

Being that we were now on day #4 after the ER, I decided to make an appointment with the pediatrician. We went in at 3:00 in the afternoon and the Physicians Assistant said that she probably still has croup, but the steroids are doing their job by keeping the swelling down. All the infection was in the upper throat area, not the lungs, which is a typical thing with croup. She did notice that one of Alli's ears was red, so she prescribed some antibiotics to prevent ear infection.

When we got back from the visit, Alli turned into herself again. She started playing more and talking, crawling around, etc. It was good to see signs of our little girl.

She's still pretty congested and still requires a lot of holding to get her to sleep, but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now I just have to make sure all the coughing that I'm doing is merely allergies, and not the croup virus caught from Alli!

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