Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Mobile Infant

Kim and I were kinda dreading the time when Alli went mobile. I mean, we have gotten pretty used to being able to plop her down with her toys and continue doing whatever we needed to do around the house not having to worry about her.

But now here she is, mobile as can be. And WE LOVE IT! If it were ever possible, she's even MORE fun being mobile!! When we work on the computer, we put her in her "exersaucer", but hers is different in that the table is stationary and there is a seat that spins around the outside of the table. She has gotten really good at "running" in that seat - round and round. Now Kim and I have fun "chasing" her and she giggles like crazy.

Alli is a big help putting laundry away too. You give her a basket full of clean clothes and she will empty it for you! On the floor of course, so you have to be pretty quick putting the stuff away, but what a big help! ;)

We're having fun seeing what she explores and where she decides to crawl. It's amazing to watch as her world expands before her eyes. She's able to pull up to a kneeling position at her table play station (but not to standing yet). The toys are almost a thing of the past as she would rather explore than play with the toys right now.

She's active, vocal, mobile... Yes, we like this new version of our baby just as well as the last version! :)


Grammy Jane said...

I'm sitting here smiling as I read this just remembering the excitement and happiness.

DanB said...

As Paul and Ben were growing up, I was always thought. Ok. this is good, dont change. And they'd change and I'd think. OK, this is better, now dont change... And then they'd change & I'd think, ok I like this, now don't change...