Friday, December 7, 2012

Natalie's 2 Month Checkup

We finally did it.  We decided to try a different doctor's office for our pediatrician.  We just couldn't handle the disorganization of the Fountain Hills pediatrician anymore.  It's probably because the practice is concentrating too much on the "beauty treatments".

Anyway, we went to North Scottsdale Pediatrics and were put in to our patient room within 5 minutes, and got seen by the doctor about 5 minutes later.  In fact, the whole appointment took about 40 minutes - which was typically just our wait time in the lobby in Fountain Hills!!

Natalie is doing great.  She's growing just right.  Her measurements our SOOO different than Alli:

Weight:  12.6 lbs (84th percentile)
Height:  23-1/2 inches (87th percentile)
Head Circumference:  42nd percentile (the chart says 38-1/2, but I'm not sure what units.  cm?)

The doctor was very nice, and we talked about the vaccines a lot, which is a hot topic for me.  Poor Natalie was just born the wrong time of year, so she's getting more vaccines than Alli at a younger age. It's just that it's cold and flu season, so everything has a chance of carrying a strain of meningitis   Ugh. The doctor actually agreed with the choices of vaccines I opted to postpone, except the pneumoncoccol, which can sometimes cause bacterial meningitis.  Granted, when I looked it up after we left the office (and after Natalie was vaccinated), 70% of the cases come from developing countries, which means very small risk of Natalie getting anything.  Oh well.  She will get the same vaccines for the 4 month and 6 month visits, and then we will revisit the vaccine schedule and see what others we will delay...

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